Name | Description | Placeholder |
Id | Tprofile internal Id of the quote. Use this for constructing URL’s etc. | [Quote.Id] |
Reference | Reference shown on the quote. This is the friendly reference shown to the customer. An example format is TP120910271. | [Quote.Reference] |
Title | Quote title | [Quote.Title] |
Summary | Quote summary | [Quote.Summary] |
View Count | The view count of the quote as shown in the admin | [Quote.ViewCount] |
Price Options (This is a list of all price options for the quote, see Recurse Sub-Collection and Recurse Sub-Object below on how to access this collection) | ||
Total Price | The option price including any discount | [Quote.PriceOptions.TotalPrice] |
Name | The option name | [Quote.PriceOptions.Name] |
Deposit | Option deposit amount | [Quote.PriceOptions.Deposit] |
Deposit Due Date | Due date of the deposit | [Quote.PriceOptions.DepositDue] |
Balance Due Date | Due date of the balance | [Quote.PriceOptions.BalanceDue] |
Forgot Password & Reset Password Emails
Name | Description | Placeholder |
Reset Link | This is the link that the user must follow to reset their password | [callbackUrl] |
Title | The title of the user the link has been sent to | [User.Title] |
First Name | The first name of the user the link has been sent to | [User.FirstName] |
Middle Name | The middle name of the user the link has been sent to | [User.LastName] |
Last Name | The last name of the user the link has been sent to | [User.LastName] |
Syntax for Templates