Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Tenant Id | The Tenant Id (A unique reference number for the Tenant) | [[System.TenantId]] | [[S.TI]] |
Brand Id | The Brand Id (A unique reference number for the Brand) | [[System.BrandId]] | [[S.BI]] |
Brand Url | Url for the current brand | [[System.BaseUrl]] | [[S.BU]] |
Brand Logo Url | Url of the logo for the current brand | [[System.LogoUrl]] | [[S.LU]] |
Brand Base Colour | Brand Base Colour for the current brand | [[System.BrandBaseColour]] | [[S.BBC]] |
Brand Primary Colour | Brand Primary Colour for the current brand | [[System.BrandPrimaryColour]] | [[S.BPC]] |
Brand Secondary Colour | Brand Secondary Colour for the current brand | [[System.BrandSecondaryColour]] | [[S.BSC]] |
Brand Header Colour | Brand Header Colour for the current brand | [[System.BrandHeaderColour]] | [[S.BHC]] |
Brand Footer Colour | Brand Footer Colour for the current brand | [[System.BrandFooterColour]] | [[S.BFC]] |
Brand Name | Name of the current brand | [[System.BrandName]] | [[S.BN]] |
Brand Primary Email | Email address set against the current brand | [[System.BrandPrimaryEmail]] | [[S.CPE]] |
Current Date | The current date formatted to the brands defined date/time format. | [[System.CurrentDate]] | [[S.CD]] |
Current Time | The current time formatted to the brands defined date/time format. | [[System.CurrentTime]] | [[S.CT]] |
Current Date & Time | The current date & time formatted to the brands defined date/time format. | [[System.CurrentDateTime]] | [[S.CDT]] |
Current Date & Time ISO Format | The current date & time in it’s ISO format | [[System.CurrentDateTimeIso]] | [[S.CDTI]] |
The details below are taken from Platform Settings > Business Details | |||
Business Name | The business name | [[System.BusinessDetails.BusinessName]] | [[S.BD.BN]] |
Business Address Line 1 | The business address line 1 | [[System.BusinessDetails.BusinessAddressLine1]] | [[S.BD.BAL1]] |
Business Address Line 2 | The business address line 2 | [[System.BusinessDetails.BusinessAddressLine2]] | [[S.BD.BAL2]] |
Business Address Line 3 | The business address line 3 | [[System.BusinessDetails.BusinessAddressLine3]] | [[S.BD.BAL3]] |
Business Address Line 4 | The business address line 4 | [[System.BusinessDetails.BusinessAddressLine4]] | [[S.BD.BAL4]] |
Business County | The business county | [[System.BusinessDetails.BusinessCounty]] | [[S.BD.BC]] |
Business Country | The business country | [[System.BusinessDetails.BusinessCountry]] | [[S.BD.BCO]] |
Business Post Code | The business post code | [[System.BusinessDetails.BusinessPostCode]] | [[S.BD.BPC]] |
Business Address Display | The business address elements combined | [[System.BusinessDetails.BusinessAddressDisplay]] | [[S.BD.BAD]] |
Business Primary Phone | The business primary phone | [[System.BusinessDetails.BusinessPrimaryPhone]] | [[S.BD.BPP]] |
Business Secondary Phone | The business secondary phone | [[System.BusinessDetails.BusinessSecondaryPhone]] | [[S.BD.BSP]] |
Business Email Address | The business email address | [[System.BusinessDetails.BusinessEmailAddress]] | [[S.BD.BEA]] |
Business Company Number | The business company number | [[System.BusinessDetails.BusinessCompanyNumber]] | [[S.BD.BCN]] |
Business Opening Hours | The business opening hours | [[System.BusinessDetails.BusinessOpeningHours]] | [[S.BD.BOH]] |
Business VAT Number | The business VAT number | [[System.BusinessDetails.BusinessVATNumber]] | [[S.BD.BVN]] |
Business Privacy Policy Link | The business privacy policy link | [[System.BusinessDetails.BusinessPrivacyPolicyLink]] | [[S.BD.BPPL]] |
Business Terms And Conditions Link | The business terms & conditions link | [[System.BusinessDetails.BusinessTermsAndConditionsLink]] | [[S.BD.BTCL]] |
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Id | Id of the enquiry | [[Enquiry.Id]] | [[E.I]] |
More Info | The more info on an enquiry | [[Enquiry.MoreInfo]] | [[E.MI]] |
Created | The created date of the enquiry | [[Enquiry.Created]] | [[E.C]] |
Agent Title | The title of the assigned agent | [[Enquiry.Agent.Title]] | [[E.A.T]] |
Agent First Name | The first name of the assigned agent | [[Enquiry.Agent.FirstName]] | [[E.A.FN]] |
Agent Last Name | The last name of the assigned agent | [[Enquiry.Agent.LastName]] | [[E.A.LN]] |
Agent Primary Email | The primary email address of the assigned agent | [[Enquiry.Agent.PrimaryEmail]] | [[E.A.PE]] |
Agent Primary Telephone | The primary telephone of the assigned agent | [[Enquiry.Agent.PrimaryTelephone]] | [[E.A.PT]] |
Branch | See Branch | ||
Trade Agent Title | The title of the assigned trade agent | [[Enquiry.TradeAgent.Title]] | [[E.TA.T]] |
Trade Agent First Name | The first name of the assigned trade agent | [[Enquiry.TradeAgent.FirstName]] | [[E.TA.FN]] |
Trade Agent Last Name | The last name of the assigned trade agent | [[Enquiry.TradeAgent.LastName]] | [[E.TA.LN]] |
Trade Agent Primary Email | The primary email address of the assigned trade agent | [[Enquiry.TradeAgent.PrimaryEmail]] | [[E.TA.PE]] |
Trade Agent Primary Telephone | The primary telephone of the assigned trade agent | [[Enquiry.TradeAgent.PrimaryTelephone]] | [[E.TA.PT]] |
Trade Agency | See Trade Agency | ||
Lead Passenger Title | The title of the assigned lead passenger | [[Enquiry.LeadPassenger.Title]] | [[E.LP.T]] |
Lead Passenger First Name | The first name of the assigned lead passenger | [[Enquiry.LeadPassenger.FirstName]] | [[E.LP.FN]] |
Lead Passenger Last Name | The last name of the assigned lead passenger | [[Enquiry.LeadPassenger.LastName]] | [[E.LP.LN]] |
Lead Passenger Primary Email | The primary email address of the assigned lead passenger | [[Enquiry.LeadPassenger.PrimaryEmail]] | [[E.LP.PE]] |
Lead Passenger Primary Telephone | The primary telephone of the assigned lead passenger | [[Enquiry.LeadPassenger.PrimaryTelephone]] | [[E.LP.PT]] |
Lead Passenger Primary Address Line 1 | The address line 1 | [[Enquiry.LeadPassenger.PrimaryAddressLine1]] | [[E.LP.PAL1]] |
Lead Passenger Primary Address Line 2 | The address line 2 | [[Enquiry.LeadPassenger.PrimaryAddressLine2]] | [[E.LP.PAL2]] |
Lead Passenger Primary Address Line 3 | The address line 3 | [[Enquiry.LeadPassenger.PrimaryAddressLine3]] | [[E.LP.PAL3]] |
Lead Passenger Primary Address Line 4 | The address line 4 | [[Enquiry.LeadPassenger.PrimaryAddressLine4]] | [[E.LP.PAL4]] |
Lead Passenger Primary County | The county | [[Enquiry.LeadPassenger.PrimaryAddressCounty]] | [[E.LP.PAC]] |
Lead Passenger Primary Postcode | The postcode | [[Enquiry.LeadPassenger.PrimaryAddressPostcode]] | [[E.LP.PAP]] |
Lead Passenger Address Display | A combined comma separated field of the whole address | [[Enquiry.LeadPassenger.PrimaryAddressDisplay]] | [[E.LP.PAD]] |
Currency Symbol | The currency symbol | [[Enquiry.CurrencySymbol]] | [[E.CS]] |
Currency Abbreviation | The currency abbreviation (USD, GBP etc.) | [[Enquiry.CurrencyAbbreviation]] | [[E.CA]] |
Currency Name | The currency (British Pounds, Euros etc.) | [[Enquiry.CurrencyName]] | [[E.CN]] |
Lead Contact Title | The title of the assigned lead passenger | [[Enquiry.LeadContact.Title]] | [[E.LC.T]] |
Lead Contact First Name | The first name of the assigned lead passenger | [[Enquiry.LeadContact.FirstName]] | [[E.LC.FN]] |
Lead Contact Last Name | The last name of the assigned lead passenger | [[Enquiry.LeadContact.LastName]] | [[E.LC.LN]] |
Lead Contact Primary Email | The primary email address of the assigned lead passenger | [[Enquiry.LeadContact.PrimaryEmail]] | [[E.LC.PE]] |
Lead Contact Primary Telephone | The primary telephone of the assigned lead passenger | [[Enquiry.LeadContact.PrimaryTelephone]] | [[E.LC.PT]] |
Lead Contact Primary Address Line 1 | The address line 1 | [[Enquiry.LeadContact.PrimaryAddressLine1]] | [[E.LC.PAL1]] |
Lead Contact Primary Address Line 2 | The address line 2 | [[Enquiry.LeadContact.PrimaryAddressLine2]] | [[E.LC.PAL2]] |
Lead Contact Primary Address Line 3 | The address line 3 | [[Enquiry.LeadContact.PrimaryAddressLine3]] | [[E.LC.PAL3]] |
Lead Contact Primary Address Line 4 | The address line 4 | [[Enquiry.LeadContact.PrimaryAddressLine4]] | [[E.LC.PAL4]] |
Lead Contact Primary County | The county | [[Enquiry.LeadContact.PrimaryAddressCounty]] | [[E.LC.PAC]] |
Lead Contact Primary Postcode | The postcode | [[Enquiry.LeadContact.PrimaryAddressPostcode]] | [[E.LC.PAP]] |
Lead Contact Address Display | A combined comma separated field of the whole address | [[Enquiry.LeadContact.PrimaryAddressDisplay]] | [[E.LC.PAD]] |
Lead Group | See Group |