Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Id | Id of the branch | [[Enquiry.Branch.Id]] | [[E.B.I]] |
External Id | The external Id of the branch (if specified) | [[Enquiry.Branch.ExternalId]] | [[E.B.EI]] |
Brand | The brand the branch belongs to | [[Enquiry.Branch.Brand]] | [[E.B.B]] |
Phone | The branch phone | [[Enquiry.Branch.Phone]] | [[E.B.P]] |
The branch email | [[Enquiry.Branch.Email]] | [[E.B.E]] | |
Overview | The branch overview | [[Enquiry.Branch.Overview]] | [[E.B.O]] |
Logo | The branch logo | [[Enquiry.Branch.LogoUrl]] | [[E.B.LU]] |
Name | The branch name | [[Enquiry.Branch.Name]] | [[E.B.N]] |
Abta Number | The branch Abta Number | [[Enquiry.Branch.AbtaNumber]] | [[E.B.AN]] |
Address Line 1 | The branch address line 1 | [[Enquiry.Branch.AddressLine1]] | [[E.B.AL1]] |
Address Line 2 | The branch address line 2 | [[Enquiry.Branch.AddressLine2]] | [[E.B.AL2]] |
Address Line 3 | The branch address line 3 | [[Enquiry.Branch.AddressLine3]] | [[E.B.AL3]] |
Address Line 4 | The branch address line 4 | [[Enquiry.Branch.AddressLine4]] | [[E.B.AL4]] |
County | The branch county | [[Enquiry.Branch.County]] | [[E.B.C]] |
Postcode | The branch postcode | [[Enquiry.Branch.Postcode]] | [[E.B.PO]] |
Country | The branch country | [[Enquiry.Branch.Country]] | [[E.B.CO]] |
Address (Formatted display version) | The address parts displayed as comma separated list. | [[Enquiry.Branch.AddressDisplay]] | [[E.B.AD]] |
Trade Agency
Can be referenced in multiple places, for the Enquiry use Enquiry.TradeAgency (E.TAG) for Quotes use Quote.TradeAgency (Q.TA) in place of location below.
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Id | Id of the trade agency | [[Enquiry<location>.TradeAgency.Id]] | [[E<location>.TAG.I]] |
External Id | The external Id of the trade agency (if specified) | [[Enquiry.TradeAgency<location>.ExternalId]] | [[E<location>.TAG.EI]] |
Brand | The brand the trade agency belongs to | [[Enquiry.TradeAgency<location>.Brand]] | [[E.TAG<location>.B]] |
Trade Group | The trade group this agency belongs to | [[Enquiry.TradeAgency<location>.TradeGroup]] | [[E.TAG<location>.TG]] |
Phone | The trade agency phone | [[Enquiry<location>.TradeAgency.Phone]] | [[E<location>.TAG.P]] |
The trade agency email | [[Enquiry.TradeAgency<location>.Email]] | [[E.TAG<location>.E]] | |
Overview | The trade agency overview | [[Enquiry<location>.TradeAgency.Overview]] | [[E.TAG<location>.O]] |
Logo | The trade agency logo | [[Enquiry.TradeAgency<location>.LogoUrl]] | [[E.TAG<location>AMA.LU]] |
Name | The trade agency name | [[Enquiry<location>.TradeAgency.Name]] | [[E.TAG<location>.N]] |
Abta Number | The trade agency Abta Number | [[Enquiry.TradeAgency<location>.AbtaNumber]] | [[E.TAG<location>.AN]] |
Address Line 1 | The trade agency address line 1 | [[Enquiry.TradeAgency<location>.AddressLine1]] | [[E.TAG<location>.AL1]] |
Address Line 2 | The trade agency address line 2 | [[Enquiry.TradeAgency<location>.AddressLine2]] | [[E.TAG<location>.AL2]] |
Address Line 3 | The trade agency address line 3 | [[Enquiry<location>.TradeAgency.AddressLine3]] | [[E<location>.TAG.AL3]] |
Address Line 4 | The trade agency address line 4 | [[Enquiry<location>.TradeAgency.AddressLine4]] | [[E.TAG<location>.AL4]] |
County | The trade agency county | [[Enquiry.TradeAgency<location>.County]] | [[E<location>.TAG.C]] |
Postcode | The trade agency postcode | [[Enquiry<location>.TradeAgency.Postcode]] | [[E.TAG<location>.PO]] |
Country | The trade agency country | [[Enquiry<location>.TradeAgency.Country]] | [[E<location>.TAG.CO]] |
Address (Formatted display version) | The address parts displayed as comma separated list. | [[Enquiry.TradeAgency<location>.AddressDisplay]] | [[E.TAG<location>.AD]] |
Can be referenced in multiple places, for the Enquiry use Enquiry.LeadGroup (E.LG) for Quotes use Quote.Groups (Q.G) in place of location below.
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
External Id | The external Id of the group (if specified) | [[Enquiry<location>.LeadGroup.ExternalId]] | [[E.LG<location>.EI]] |
Name | The group | [[Enquiry.LeadGroup<location>.Name]] | [[E.LG<location>.N]] |
Address Line 1 | The group address line 1 | [[Enquiry<location>.LeadGroup.AddressLine1]] | [[E<location>.LG.AL1]] |
Address Line 2 | The group address line 2 | [[Enquiry<location>.LeadGroup.AddressLine2]] | [[E.LG<location>.AL2]] |
Address Line 3 | The group address line 3 | [[Enquiry<location>.LeadGroup.AddressLine3]] | [[E.LG<location>.AL3]] |
Address Line 4 | The group address line 4 | [[Enquiry.LeadGroup<location>.AddressLine4]] | [[E.LG<location>.AL4]] |
County | The group county | [[Enquiry<location>.LeadGroup.County]] | [[E<location>.LG.CO]] |
Postcode | The group postcode | [[Enquiry<location>.LeadGroup.Postcode]] | [[E.LG<location>.PO]] |
Country | The group country | [[Enquiry.LeadGroup<location>.Country]] | [[E<location>.LG.COU]] |
Address (Formatted display version) | The address parts displayed as comma separated list. | [[Enquiry.LeadGroup<location>.AddressDisplay]] | [[E.LG<location>.AD]] |
Contacts | See Group Contact | ||
Primary Contact | See Group Contact | ||
Type | The group type | [[Enquiry.LeadGroup<location>.Type]] | [[E.LG.T]] |
Image | The group image | [[Enquiry<location>.LeadGroup.ImageUrl]] | [[E.LG.IU]] |
Group Contact
Can be referenced in multiple places, for the Enquiry use Enquiry.LeadGroup (E.LG) for Quotes use Quote.Groups (Q.G) in place of location below.
When referencing the Lead Passenger you will need to replace .Contacts. (C) with .PrimaryContact. (PC)
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder | ||||
Primary | Whether the contact is the primary contact or not for the group | [[Enquiry.LeadGroup<location>.Contacts.IsPrimary]] | [[E.LG<location>.C.IP]] | ||||
Title | The contact title | [[Enquiry<location>.LeadGroup.Contacts.Title]] | [[E<location>.LG.C.T]] | ||||
First Name | The contact first name | [[Enquiry<location>.LeadGroup.Contacts.FirstName]] | [[E.LG<location>.C.FN]] | ||||
Middle Name | The contact middle name | [[Enquiry<location>.LeadGroup.Contacts.MiddleName]] | [[E<location>.LG.C.MN]] | ||||
Last Name | The contact last name | [[Enquiry<location>.LeadGroup.Contacts.LastName]] | [[E.LG<location>.C.LN]] | ||||
The contact last email | [[Enquiry.LeadGroup.Contacts.Email]] | [[E.LG.C.E]] | |||||
Phone | The contact last phone | [[Enquiry.LeadGroup.Contacts.Phone]] | [[E.LG.C.P]] | ||||
Display Name | A combined version of the contact name | [[Enquiry.LeadGroup.Contacts.DisplayName]] | [[E.LG.C.DN]] | ||||
Address | See Address | Date of Birth | The contact date of birth | [[Enquiry.LeadGroup.Contacts.DobDisplay]] | [[E.LG.C.DODemail | [[<location>.Contacts.Email]] | [[<location>.C.E]] |
Phone | The contact last phone | [[<location>.Contacts.Phone]] | [[<location>.C.P]] | ||||
Display Name | A combined version of the contact name | [[<location>.Contacts.DisplayName]] | [[<location>.C.DN]] | ||||
Address | See Address | ||||||
Date of Birth | The contact date of birth | [[<location>.Contacts.DobDisplay]] | [[<location> .C.DOD]] |
This is the top level quote data object
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Id | The TProfile Quote Id | [[Quote.Id]] | [[Q.ID]] |
Reference | The quote reference | [[Quote.Reference]] | [[Q.FN]] |
View Count | The quote ViewCount | [[Quote.ViewCount]] | [[Q.ViewCount]] |
Title | The quote Title | [[Quote.Title]] | [[Q.Title]] |
Summary | The product summary | [[Quote.Summary]] | [[Q.Summary]] |
Price Options | A list of Price Options | ||
URL | The quote URL | [[Quote.Url]] | [[Q.U]] |
Banner Image | The quote banner image | [[Quote.BannerImage]] | [[Q.BI]] |
Tile URL | The quote tile URL | [[Quote.TileUrl]] | [[Q.TU]] |
External Id | The quote External Id (if provided) | [[Quote.ExternalId]] | [[Q.EI]] |
Product Code | The quote Product Code | [[Quote.ProductCode]] | [[Q.PC]] |
Lead Passenger Name | The quote Lead Passenger Name | [[Quote.LeadPassengerName]] | [[Q.LPN]] |
Departure Date | The quote Departure Date | [[Quote.DepartureDate]] | [[Q.DD]] |
Return Date | The quote Return Date | [[Quote.ReturnDate]] | [[Q.RD]] |
Duration | The quote Duration in nights | [[Quote.Duration]] | [[Q.D]] |
Duration Days | The quote Duration (Days) | [[Quote.DurationDays]] | [[Q.DDA]] |
Duration Nights | The quote Duration (Nights) | [[Quote.DurationNights]] | [[Q.DN]] |
Overview | The quote Overview | [[Quote.Overview]] | [[Q.O]] |
Itinerary | The quote Itinerary | [[Quote.Itinerary]] | [[Q.IT]] |
Documents | The quote Documents | [[Quote.Documents]] | [[Q.DO]] |
Enquiry Id | The quote Enquiry Id | [[Quote.EnquiryId]] | [[Q.E]] |
Destinations | The quote Destinations | [[Quote.Destinations]] | [[Q.DE]] |
Ships | The quote Ships | [[Quote.Ships]] | [[Q.SH]] |
Agent Name | The quote Agent Name | [[Quote.AgentName]] | [[Q.AN]] |
Agent Phone | The quote Agent Phone | [[Quote.AgentPhone]] | [[Q.AP]] |
What's Included | The quote whats included as an array of items | [[Quote.WhatsIncluded]] | [[Q.WI]] |
Adults | The quote Adults | [[Quote.Adults]] | [[Q.A]] |
Children | The quote Children | [[Quote.Children]] | [[Q.C]] |
Infants | The quote Infants | [[Quote.Infants]] | [[Q.IN]] |
Agent Notes | The quote Agent Notes | [[Quote.AgentNotes]] | [[Q.AN]] |
Price Display Type | The quote Price Display Type (0 or 1) | [[Quote.PriceDisplayType]] | [[Q.PDT]] |
Agent Phone Secondary | The quote Agent Phone Secondary | [[Quote.AgentPhoneSecondary]] | [[Q.APS]] |
Agent Bio | The quote Agent Bio | [[Quote.AgentBio]] | [[Q.AB]] |
Agent Image | The quote Agent Image | [[Quote.AgentImage]] | [[Q.AI]] |
Countries | See Country | [[Quote.Countries.<field>]] | [[Q.CO.<field>]] |
Agent Email | The quote Agent Email | [[Quote.AgentEmail]] | [[Q.AE]] |
Custom Terms | The quote Custom Terms | [[Quote.CustomTerms]] | [[Q.CT]] |
Comments | See Quote Comments | ||
Content Blocks | |||
Images | See Quote Images | [[Quote.Images]] | [[Q.IM]] |
Videos | See Quote Videos | [[Quote.Videos]] | .V]] |
DestinationContent | Destination Content linked with the on the quote. See Destination | [[Quote.DestinationContent.<field>]] | [[Q.DC.<field>]] |
CurrencySymbol | The quote CurrencySymbol | [[Quote.CurrencySymbol]] | [[Q.CS]] |
TemperatureUnit | The quote TemperatureUnit | [[Quote.TemperatureUnit]] | [[Q.TEU]] |
PassengerCountDisplay | The quote PassengerCountDisplay | [[Quote.PassengerCountDisplay]] | [[Q.PCD]] |
Branch | The quote Branch | [[Quote.Branch]] | [[Q.B]] |
LockLayout | The quote LockLayout | [[Quote.LockLayout]] | [[Q.LL]] |
IsProduct | The quote IsProduct | [[Quote.IsProduct]] | [[Q.IP]] |
Trade Agency | See Trade Agency | ||
TradeAgentName | The quote TradeAgentName | [[Quote.TradeAgentName]] | [[Q.TAN]] |
TradeAgentEmail | The quote TradeAgentEmail | [[Quote.TradeAgentEmail]] | [[Q.TAE]] |
TradeAgentPhone | The quote TradeAgentPhone | [[Quote.TradeAgentPhone]] | [[Q.TAP]] |
TradeAgentPhoneSecondary | The quote TradeAgentPhoneSecondary | [[Quote.TradeAgentPhoneSecondary]] | [[Q.TAPS]] |
TradeAgentImage | The quote TradeAgentImage | [[Quote.TradeAgentImage]] | [[Q.TAI]] |
TradeAgentBio | The quote TradeAgentBio | [[Quote.TradeAgentBio]] | [[Q.TAB]] |
Groups | See Group (this is a list of assigned Group Contacts to the enquiry) | [[Quote.Groups]] | [[Q.G]] |
Price Option
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Total Price | Total price amount | [[Quote.PriceOptions.TotalPrice]] | [[Q.PO.TP]] |
Name | Name | [[Quote.PriceOptions.Name]] | [[Q.PO.N]] |
Deposit | Deposit amount | [[Quote.PriceOptions.Deposit]] | [[Q.PO.D]] |
Deposit Due | Deposit due date | [[Quote.PriceOptions.DepositDue]] | [[Q.PO.DD]] |
Balance Due | Balance due date | [[Quote.PriceOptions.BalanceDue]] | [[Q.PO.BD]] |
Quote Comment
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Comment | Comment | [[Quote.Comments.Comment]] | [[Q.COM.CC]] |
Category | Category | [[Quote.Comments.Category]] | [[Q.COM.CA]] |
Visible To Customer | Visible To Customer (true/false) | [[Quote.Comments.VisibleToCustomer]] | [[Q.COM.VTC]] |
Created Date | Created Date | [[Quote.Comments.CreatedDate]] | [[Q.COM.CD]] |
Source | Source | [[Quote.Comments.Source]] | [[Q.COM.S]] |
Quote Content Block
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Block Id | Block Id | [[Quote.ContentBlocks.BlockId]] | [[Q.CB.BI]] |
Type | Type (0 = HTML, 1 = Image, 2 = Video) | [[Quote.ContentBlocks.Type]] | [[Q.CB.CA]] |
Value | Value | [[Quote.ContentBlocks.Value]] | [[Q.CB.VTC]] |
Created Date | Created Date | [[Quote.ContentBlocks.CreatedDate]] | [[Q.CB.CD]] |
Quote Image
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
URL | URL | [[Quote.Images.Url]] | [[Q.IM.U]] |
Type | Type (0 = Gallery, 1 = Map) | [[Quote.Images.Type]] | [[Q.IM.T]] |
Quote Video
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
URL | URL | [[Quote.Videos.Url]] | [[Q.V.U]] |
Type | Type (0 = Youtube, 1 = Vimeo, 2 = Custom) | [[Quote.Videos.Type]] | [[Q.V.T]] |
This is the top level booking data object
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Name | The name of the destination | [[<Related Element>.Name]] | [[<Related Element>.N]] |
Friendly Name | The friendly name of the destination | [[<Related Element>.FriendlyName]] | [[<Related Element>.FN]] |
URL Name | The URL in TProfile of the destination | [[<Related Element>.UrlName]] | [[<Related Element>.UN]] |
Country Code | The country code of the destination | [[<Related Element>.CountryCode]] | [[<Related Element>.CC]] |
Destination Code | The destination code (e.g. JFK) | [[<Related Element>.DestinationCode]] | [[<Related Element>.DC]] |
Overview | The overview of the destination | [[<Related Element>.Overview]] | [[<Related Element>.O]] |
Extended Overview | The extended overview of the destination | [[<Related Element>.ExtendedOverview]] | [[<Related Element>.EO]] |
Type | The destination type (City/Region/Airport etc.) | [[<Related Element>.Type]] | [[<Related Element>.T]] |
Getting Around Details | Getting around details | [[<Related Element>.GettingAround]] | [[<Related Element>.GA]] |
Nightlife | Nightlife in the destination | [[<Related Element>.Nightlife]] | [[<Related Element>.NI]] |
Skiing | Skiing details if appropiate | [[<Related Element>.Skiing]] | [[<Related Element>.S]] |
Shopping Details | Shopping details | [[<Related Element>.ShoppingDetails]] | [[<Related Element>.SD]] |
Sightseeing Details | Sightseeing details | [[<Related Element>.SightseeingDetails]] | [[<Related Element>.SID]] |
Child Attraction Details | Child attraction details | [[<Related Element>.ChildAttractionDetails]] | [[<Related Element>.CAD]] |
RestaurantDetails | Restaurant details | [[<Related Element>.RestaurantDetails]] | [[<Related Element>.RD]] |
Climate Details | Climate details | [[<Related Element>.ClimateDetails]] | [[<Related Element>.CD]] |
Banner Images | A list of banner image URL’s | [[<Related Element>.BannerImages]] | [[<Related Element>.BI]] |
Full Width Images | A list of full width image URL’s | [[<Related Element>.FullWidthImages]] | [[<Related Element>.FWI]] |
Gallery Images | A list of gallery image URL’s | [[<Related Element>.GalleryImages]] | [[<Related Element>.GI]] |
Narrow Images | A list of narrow image URL’s | [[<Related Element>.NarrowImages]] | [[<Related Element>.NIM]] |
Location | Location | [[<Related Element>.Location]] | [[<Related Element>.L]] |
Transfer Terminals | Transfer terminals | [[<Related Element>.TransferTerminals]] | [[<Related Element>.TT]] |
Transfer City | Transfer city | [[<Related Element>.TransferCity]] | [[<Related Element>.TC]] |
Car Rental | Car rental | [[<Related Element>.CarRental]] | [[<Related Element>.CR]] |
Taxi | Taxi | [[<Related Element>.Taxi]] | [[<Related Element>.TA]] |
Airport Facilities | Airport facilities | [[<Related Element>.AirportFacilities]] | [[<Related Element>.AF]] |
Car Parking | Car parking | [[<Related Element>.CarParking]] | [[<Related Element>.CP]] |
Airport Hotels | Airport hotels | [[<Related Element>.AirportHotels]] | [[<Related Element>.AH]] |
Advisory Notes | Advisory notes | [[<Related Element>.AdvisoryNotes]] | [[<Related Element>.AN]] |
Warning Message | Warning message | [[<Related Element>.WarningMessage]] | [[<Related Element>.WM]] |
Activities | Activities | [[<Related Element>.Activities]] | [[<Related Element>.A]] |
Destination Content