How to use Global Pricing in ‘Cruise Manager’
What does global pricing results enable you to do?
Control the global pricing of cruises by adding certain criteria and ordering the priority in which the pricing should be applied.
Price Adjustment Box explained
Decrease price by the amount
Anchor | ||||
Enter the Regions, operators and cruise type, using the drop-down boxes or leave blank.
Set specific sailing dates in the start and end date box
Set price application on specific booking dates
Example: This setting illustrates how you can adjust the prices by type. In this example, we are looking at “MSC CRUISES”
Reduce £100 on all MSC cruises in the Mediterranean for sailings departing between the01st of July 2022 until the 31st of October 2022
Once added and saved the offer will drop into the adjustment section where you are able to edit, update or delete
Please Note: There is a short delay when any offers when being updated to the website
There are now two offers offers and in
price orderAnchor Price-Order Price-Order
The offer is now on the website