How to use Cruise Edits in ‘Cruise Manager'
Edit individual cruises by adjusting pricing or itinerary.
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Click on cruise Edits > Edit cruise
Use the filter options to find the cruise and click select
Another box will open > save > at the bottom of the page
When you click to save and then reopen more tabs will show at the bottom
At the bottom of the page, you will seeSAVE DELETE VIEW
SAVE - This will add the cruise ship on the ships edits page where you can make any required amendments by clicking the edit button
DELETE - Will delete any alteration you have made and go back to the original look
VIEW - View the changes
Click into edit
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You can add your own image and add a sales message banner
The banner will fall under the fare price.
Name - you can rename or use the the cruise name that has been generated
Sales Message - Can be changed and will show on the search page
Summary - Can be changed and will show on the search page
Please Note the extra boxes - Overview, what's included and extras - These are default boxes, that can be requested to add your own design
Categories - If required - Add a search category this will drop on the website on the search filters
Here is a refresher link on How to use Cruise Categories in ‘Cruise Manager’
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There are various ways to adjust the pricing:
Increase price by %
Decrease price by %
Increase price by amount
Decrease price by the amount
Package price
Enter amount
Restrict price application between certain dates
Remember to untick if you do not want the price adjustment to apply with any adjustments in global price - Here is a refresher link on Global Pricing
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Select itinerary and click on ‘ADD ITINERARY’
When you first start creating save and view each time until you get familiar with the process
If you want to create a package to include, Flights, Hotels etc cruise packages may suit your needs better which will also give you more options /wiki/spaces/DOC/pages/2673999883
Why not follow each step in our handy video guide, you can access it by clicking here:
How to use Cruise Edits in ‘Cruise Manager'
For further information please contact our Training Manager Kerrie O’Sullivan