Table of Contents |
Tag Logic
Note: List items need to be used in conjunction with a repeatable block. For example in MS Word documents list items will need to be used in conjunction with a Bullet List or within a Table Row.
Tag | Description |
:format(<expression>) | format the property, this could be a date, number etc. e.g. [[Booking.Components.StartDate]:format(dd/MM/yyyy)] |
:from-url | Image |
:from-url:maxSize(5) | Image with size specification |
:showIf(<expression>) | Conditional display of the property e.g. [[Booking.Itinerary.Type]:showIf(Accommodation)] This check the current itinerary item and shows it if it’s type = “Accommodation“ |
:simple-html | Render HTML in Docx e.g. [[Booking.Countries.PassportAndVisaDetails]:simple-html] |
:complex-html | Render complciaetd HTML in Docx e.g. [[Booking.Countries.PassportAndVisaDetails]:complex-html] |
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Tenant Id | The Tenant Id (A unique reference number for the Tenant) | [[System.TenantId]] | [[S.TI]] |
Brand Id | The Brand Id (A unique reference number for the Brand) | [[System.BrandId]] | [[S.BI]] |
Brand Url | Url for the current brand | [[System.BaseUrl]] | [[S.BU]] |
Brand Logo Url | Url of the logo for the current brand | [[System.LogoUrl]] | [[S.LU]] |
Brand Base Colour | Brand Base Colour for the current brand | [[System.BrandBaseColour]] | [[S.BBC]] |
Brand Primary Colour | Brand Primary Colour for the current brand | [[System.BrandPrimaryColour]] | [[S.BPC]] |
Brand Secondary Colour | Brand Secondary Colour for the current brand | [[System.BrandSecondaryColour]] | [[S.BSC]] |
Brand Header Colour | Brand Header Colour for the current brand | [[System.BrandHeaderColour]] | [[S.BHC]] |
Brand Footer Colour | Brand Footer Colour for the current brand | [[System.BrandFooterColour]] | [[S.BFC]] |
Brand Name | Name of the current brand | [[System.BrandName]] | [[S.BN]] |
Brand Primary Email | Email address set against the current brand | [[System.BrandPrimaryEmail]] | [[S.CPE]] |
Current Date | The current date formatted to the brands defined date/time format. | [[System.CurrentDate]] | [[S.CD]] |
Current Time | The current time formatted to the brands defined date/time format. | [[System.CurrentTime]] | [[S.CT]] |
Current Date & Time | The current date & time formatted to the brands defined date/time format. | [[System.CurrentDateTime]] | [[S.CDT]] |
Current Date & Time ISO Format | The current date & time in it’s ISO format | [[System.CurrentDateTimeIso]] | [[S.CDTI]] |
The details below are taken from Platform Settings > Business Details | |||
Business Name | The business name | [[System.BusinessDetails.BusinessName]] | [[S.BD.BN]] |
Business Address Line 1 | The business address line 1 | [[System.BusinessDetails.BusinessAddressLine1]] | [[S.BD.BAL1]] |
Business Address Line 2 | The business address line 2 | [[System.BusinessDetails.BusinessAddressLine2]] | [[S.BD.BAL2]] |
Business Address Line 3 | The business address line 3 | [[System.BusinessDetails.BusinessAddressLine3]] | [[S.BD.BAL3]] |
Business Address Line 4 | The business address line 4 | [[System.BusinessDetails.BusinessAddressLine4]] | [[S.BD.BAL4]] |
Business County | The business county | [[System.BusinessDetails.BusinessCounty]] | [[S.BD.BC]] |
Business Country | The business country | [[System.BusinessDetails.BusinessCountry]] | [[S.BD.BCO]] |
Business Post Code | The business post code | [[System.BusinessDetails.BusinessPostCode]] | [[S.BD.BPC]] |
Business Address Display | The business address elements combined | [[System.BusinessDetails.BusinessAddressDisplay]] | [[S.BD.BAD]] |
Business Primary Phone | The business primary phone | [[System.BusinessDetails.BusinessPrimaryPhone]] | [[S.BD.BPP]] |
Business Secondary Phone | The business secondary phone | [[System.BusinessDetails.BusinessSecondaryPhone]] | [[S.BD.BSP]] |
Business Email Address | The business email address | [[System.BusinessDetails.BusinessEmailAddress]] | [[S.BD.BEA]] |
Business Company Number | The business company number | [[System.BusinessDetails.BusinessCompanyNumber]] | [[S.BD.BCN]] |
Business Opening Hours | The business opening hours | [[System.BusinessDetails.BusinessOpeningHours]] | [[S.BD.BOH]] |
Business VAT Number | The business VAT number | [[System.BusinessDetails.BusinessVATNumber]] | [[S.BD.BVN]] |
Business Privacy Policy Link | The business privacy policy link | [[System.BusinessDetails.BusinessPrivacyPolicyLink]] | [[S.BD.BPPL]] |
Business Terms And Conditions Link | The business terms & conditions link | [[System.BusinessDetails.BusinessTermsAndConditionsLink]] | [[S.BD.BTCL]] |
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Id | Id of the enquiry | [[Enquiry.Id]] | [[E.I]] |
More Info | The more info on an enquiry | [[Enquiry.MoreInfo]] | [[E.MI]] |
Created | The created date of the enquiry | [[Enquiry.Created]] | [[E.C]] |
Agent Title | The title of the assigned agent | [[Enquiry.Agent.Title]] | [[E.A.T]] |
Agent First Name | The first name of the assigned agent | [[Enquiry.Agent.FirstName]] | [[E.A.FN]] |
Agent Last Name | The last name of the assigned agent | [[Enquiry.Agent.LastName]] | [[E.A.LN]] |
Agent Primary Email | The primary email address of the assigned agent | [[Enquiry.Agent.PrimaryEmail]] | [[E.A.PE]] |
Agent Primary Telephone | The primary telephone of the assigned agent | [[Enquiry.Agent.PrimaryTelephone]] | [[E.A.PT]] |
Branch | See Branch | ||
Trade Agent Title | The title of the assigned trade agent | [[Enquiry.TradeAgent.Title]] | [[E.TA.T]] |
Trade Agent First Name | The first name of the assigned trade agent | [[Enquiry.TradeAgent.FirstName]] | [[E.TA.FN]] |
Trade Agent Last Name | The last name of the assigned trade agent | [[Enquiry.TradeAgent.LastName]] | [[E.TA.LN]] |
Trade Agent Primary Email | The primary email address of the assigned trade agent | [[Enquiry.TradeAgent.PrimaryEmail]] | [[E.TA.PE]] |
Trade Agent Primary Telephone | The primary telephone of the assigned trade agent | [[Enquiry.TradeAgent.PrimaryTelephone]] | [[E.TA.PT]] |
Trade Agency | See Trade Agency | ||
Lead Passenger Title | The title of the assigned lead passenger | [[Enquiry.LeadPassenger.Title]] | [[E.LP.T]] |
Lead Passenger First Name | The first name of the assigned lead passenger | [[Enquiry.LeadPassenger.FirstName]] | [[E.LP.FN]] |
Lead Passenger Last Name | The last name of the assigned lead passenger | [[Enquiry.LeadPassenger.LastName]] | [[E.LP.LN]] |
Lead Passenger Primary Email | The primary email address of the assigned lead passenger | [[Enquiry.LeadPassenger.PrimaryEmail]] | [[E.LP.PE]] |
Lead Passenger Primary Telephone | The primary telephone of the assigned lead passenger | [[Enquiry.LeadPassenger.PrimaryTelephone]] | [[E.LP.PT]] |
Lead Passenger Primary Address Line 1 | The address line 1 | [[Enquiry.LeadPassenger.PrimaryAddressLine1]] | [[E.LP.PAL1]] |
Lead Passenger Primary Address Line 2 | The address line 2 | [[Enquiry.LeadPassenger.PrimaryAddressLine2]] | [[E.LP.PAL2]] |
Lead Passenger Primary Address Line 3 | The address line 3 | [[Enquiry.LeadPassenger.PrimaryAddressLine3]] | [[E.LP.PAL3]] |
Lead Passenger Primary Address Line 4 | The address line 4 | [[Enquiry.LeadPassenger.PrimaryAddressLine4]] | [[E.LP.PAL4]] |
Lead Passenger Primary County | The county | [[Enquiry.LeadPassenger.PrimaryAddressCounty]] | [[E.LP.PAC]] |
Lead Passenger Primary Postcode | The postcode | [[Enquiry.LeadPassenger.PrimaryAddressPostcode]] | [[E.LP.PAP]] |
Lead Passenger Address Display | A combined comma separated field of the whole address | [[Enquiry.LeadPassenger.PrimaryAddressDisplay]] | [[E.LP.PAD]] |
Currency Symbol | The currency symbol | [[Enquiry.CurrencySymbol]] | [[E.CS]] |
Currency Abbreviation | The currency abbreviation (USD, GBP etc.) | [[Enquiry.CurrencyAbbreviation]] | [[E.CA]] |
Currency Name | The currency (British Pounds, Euros etc.) | [[Enquiry.CurrencyName]] | [[E.CN]] |
Days | The days | [[Enquiry.Days]] | [[E.D]] |
Nights | The nights | [[Enquiry.Night]] | [[E.N]] |
Lead Contact Title | The title of the assigned lead passenger | [[Enquiry.LeadContact.Title]] | [[E.LC.T]] |
Lead Contact First Name | The first name of the assigned lead passenger | [[Enquiry.LeadContact.FirstName]] | [[E.LC.FN]] |
Lead Contact Last Name | The last name of the assigned lead passenger | [[Enquiry.LeadContact.LastName]] | [[E.LC.LN]] |
Lead Contact Primary Email | The primary email address of the assigned lead passenger | [[Enquiry.LeadContact.PrimaryEmail]] | [[E.LC.PE]] |
Lead Contact Primary Telephone | The primary telephone of the assigned lead passenger | [[Enquiry.LeadContact.PrimaryTelephone]] | [[E.LC.PT]] |
Lead Contact Primary Address Line 1 | The address line 1 | [[Enquiry.LeadContact.PrimaryAddressLine1]] | [[E.LC.PAL1]] |
Lead Contact Primary Address Line 2 | The address line 2 | [[Enquiry.LeadContact.PrimaryAddressLine2]] | [[E.LC.PAL2]] |
Lead Contact Primary Address Line 3 | The address line 3 | [[Enquiry.LeadContact.PrimaryAddressLine3]] | [[E.LC.PAL3]] |
Lead Contact Primary Address Line 4 | The address line 4 | [[Enquiry.LeadContact.PrimaryAddressLine4]] | [[E.LC.PAL4]] |
Lead Contact Primary County | The county | [[Enquiry.LeadContact.PrimaryAddressCounty]] | [[E.LC.PAC]] |
Lead Contact Primary Postcode | The postcode | [[Enquiry.LeadContact.PrimaryAddressPostcode]] | [[E.LC.PAP]] |
Lead Contact Address Display | A combined comma separated field of the whole address | [[Enquiry.LeadContact.PrimaryAddressDisplay]] | [[E.LC.PAD]] |
Lead Group | See Group |
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Id | Id of the branch | [[Enquiry.Branch.Id]] | [[E.B.I]] |
External Id | The external Id of the branch (if specified) | [[Enquiry.Branch.ExternalId]] | [[E.B.EI]] |
Brand | The brand the branch belongs to | [[Enquiry.Branch.Brand]] | [[E.B.B]] |
Phone | The branch phone | [[Enquiry.Branch.Phone]] | [[E.B.P]] |
The branch email | [[Enquiry.Branch.Email]] | [[E.B.E]] | |
Overview | The branch overview | [[Enquiry.Branch.Overview]] | [[E.B.O]] |
Logo | The branch logo | [[Enquiry.Branch.LogoUrl]] | [[E.B.LU]] |
Name | The branch name | [[Enquiry.Branch.Name]] | [[E.B.N]] |
Abta Number | The branch Abta Number | [[Enquiry.Branch.AbtaNumber]] | [[E.B.AN]] |
Address Line 1 | The branch address line 1 | [[Enquiry.Branch.AddressLine1]] | [[E.B.AL1]] |
Address Line 2 | The branch address line 2 | [[Enquiry.Branch.AddressLine2]] | [[E.B.AL2]] |
Address Line 3 | The branch address line 3 | [[Enquiry.Branch.AddressLine3]] | [[E.B.AL3]] |
Address Line 4 | The branch address line 4 | [[Enquiry.Branch.AddressLine4]] | [[E.B.AL4]] |
County | The branch county | [[Enquiry.Branch.County]] | [[E.B.C]] |
Postcode | The branch postcode | [[Enquiry.Branch.Postcode]] | [[E.B.PO]] |
Country | The branch country | [[Enquiry.Branch.Country]] | [[E.B.CO]] |
Address (Formatted display version) | The address parts displayed as comma separated list. | [[Enquiry.Branch.AddressDisplay]] | [[E.B.AD]] |
Trade Agency
Can be referenced in multiple places, for the Enquiry use Enquiry.TradeAgency (E.TAG) for Quotes use Quote.TradeAgency (Q.TA) in place of location below.
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Id | Id of the trade agency | [[Enquiry.TradeAgency<location>.Id]] | [[E<location>.TAG.I]] |
External Id | The external Id of the trade agency (if specified) | [[Enquiry<location>.TradeAgency.ExternalId]] | [[E<location>.TAG.EI]] |
Brand | The brand the trade agency belongs to | [[Enquiry.TradeAgency<location>.Brand]] | [[E<location>.TAG.B]] |
Trade Group | The trade group this agency belongs to | [[Enquiry<location>.TradeAgency.TradeGroup]] | [[E<location>.TAG.TG]] |
Phone | The trade agency phone | [[Enquiry.TradeAgency<location>.Phone]] | [[E<location>.TAG.P]] |
The trade agency email | [[Enquiry.TradeAgency<location>.Email]] | [[E.TAG<location>.E]] | |
Overview | The trade agency overview | [[Enquiry.TradeAgency<location>.Overview]] | [[E<location>.TAG.OO]] |
Logo | The trade agency logo | [[Enquiry<location>.TradeAgency.LogoUrl]] | [[E<location>AMA.TAG.LU]] |
Name | The trade agency name | [[Enquiry.TradeAgency<location>.Name]] | [[E.TAG<location>.N]] |
Abta Number | The trade agency Abta Number | [[Enquiry<location>.TradeAgency.AbtaNumber]] | [[E<location>.TAG.AN]] |
Address Line 1 | The trade agency address line 1 | [[Enquiry.TradeAgency<location>.AddressLine1]] | [[E<location>.TAG.AL1]] |
Address Line 2 | The trade agency address line 2 | [[Enquiry<location>.TradeAgency.AddressLine2]] | [[E.TAG<location>.AL2]] |
Address Line 3 | The trade agency address line 3 | [[Enquiry.TradeAgency<location>.AddressLine3]] | [[E.TAG<location>.AL3]] |
Address Line 4 | The trade agency address line 4 | [[Enquiry.TradeAgency<location>.AddressLine4]] | [[E.TAG<location>.AL4]] |
County | The trade agency county | [[Enquiry.TradeAgency<location>.County]] | [[E.TAG<location>.C]] |
Postcode | The trade agency postcode | [[Enquiry<location>.TradeAgency.Postcode]] | [[E.TAG<location>.PO]] |
Country | The trade agency country | [[Enquiry.TradeAgency<location>.Country]] | [[E.TAG<location>.CO]] |
Address (Formatted display version) | The address parts displayed as comma separated list. | [[Enquiry<location>.TradeAgency.AddressDisplay]] | [[E<location>.TAG.AD]] |
Can be referenced in multiple places, for the Enquiry use Enquiry.LeadGroup (E.LG) for Quotes use Quote.Groups (Q.G) in place of location below.
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
External Id | The external Id of the group (if specified) | [[Enquiry.LeadGroup<location>.ExternalId]] | [[E<location>.LG.EI]] |
Name | The group | [[Enquiry<location>.LeadGroup.Name]] | [[E<location>.LG.N]] |
Address Line 1 | The group address line 1 | [[Enquiry.LeadGroup<location>.AddressLine1]] | [[E.LG<location>.AL1]] |
Address Line 2 | The group address line 2 | [[Enquiry<location>.LeadGroup.AddressLine2]] | [[E.LG<location>.AL2]] |
Address Line 3 | The group address line 3 | [[Enquiry.LeadGroup<location>.AddressLine3]] | [[E.LG<location>.AL3]] |
Address Line 4 | The group address line 4 | [[Enquiry<location>.LeadGroup.AddressLine4]] | [[E.LG<location>.AL4]] |
County | The group county | [[Enquiry.LeadGroup<location>.County]] | [[E.LG<location>.CO]] |
Postcode | The group postcode | [[Enquiry.LeadGroup<location>.Postcode]] | [[E.LG<location>.PO]] |
Country | The group country | [[Enquiry.LeadGroup<location>.Country]] | [[E.LG<location>.COU]] |
Address (Formatted display version) | The address parts displayed as comma separated list. | [[Enquiry<location>.LeadGroup.AddressDisplay]] | [[E<location>.LG.AD]] |
Contacts | See Group Contact | ||
Primary Contact | See Group Contact | ||
Type | The group type | [[Enquiry<location>.LeadGroup.Type]] | [[E.LG.T]] |
Image | The group image | [[Enquiry.LeadGroup<location>.ImageUrl]] | [[E.LG.IU]] |
Group Contact
Can be referenced in multiple places, for the Enquiry use Enquiry.LeadGroup (E.LG) for Quotes use Quote.Groups (Q.G) in place of location below.
When referencing the Lead Passenger you will need to replace .Contacts. (C) with .PrimaryContact. (PC)
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder | |||
Primary | Whether the contact is the primary contact or not for the group | [[Enquiry.LeadGroup<location>.Contacts.IsPrimary]] | [[E.LG<location>.C.IP]] | |||
Title | The contact title | [[Enquiry.LeadGroup<location>.Contacts.Title]] | [[E<location>.LGC.C.T]] | |||
First Name | The contact first name | [[Enquiry<location>.LeadGroup.Contacts.FirstName]] | [[E<location>.LG.C.FN]] | |||
Middle Name | The contact middle name | [[Enquiry.LeadGroup<location>.Contacts.MiddleName]] | [[E.LG<location>.C.MN]] | |||
Last Name | The contact last name | [[Enquiry<location>.LeadGroup.Contacts.LastName]] | [[E<location>.LG.C.LN]] | |||
The contact last email | [[Enquiry.LeadGroup<location>.Contacts.Email]] | [[E<location>.LG.C.E]] | ||||
Phone | The contact last phone | [[Enquiry<location>.LeadGroup.Contacts.Phone]] | [[E.LG<location>.C.P]] | |||
Display Name | A combined version of the contact name | [[Enquiry.LeadGroup<location>.Contacts.DisplayName]] | [[E.LG<location>.C.DN]] | |||
Address | See Address | |||||
Date of Birth | The contact date of birth | [[Enquiry.LeadGroup.Contacts.DobDisplay]] | [[E.LG.C.DODBirth | The contact date of birth | [[<location>.Contacts.DobDisplay]] | [[<location> .C.DOD]] |
This is the top level quote data object
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Id | The TProfile Quote Id | [[Quote.Id]] | [[Q.ID]] |
Reference | The quote reference | [[Quote.Reference]] | [[Q.FN]] |
View Count | The quote ViewCount | [[Quote.ViewCount]] | [[Q.ViewCount]] |
Title | The quote Title | [[Quote.Title]] | [[Q.Title]] |
Summary | The product summary | [[Quote.Summary]] | [[Q.Summary]] |
Price Options | A list of Price Options | ||
URL | The quote URL | [[Quote.Url]] | [[Q.U]] |
Banner Image | The quote banner image | [[Quote.BannerImage]] | [[Q.BI]] |
Tile URL | The quote tile URL | [[Quote.TileUrl]] | [[Q.TU]] |
External Id | The quote External Id (if provided) | [[Quote.ExternalId]] | [[Q.EI]] |
Product Code | The quote Product Code | [[Quote.ProductCode]] | [[Q.PC]] |
Lead Passenger Name | The quote Lead Passenger Name | [[Quote.LeadPassengerName]] | [[Q.LPN]] |
Departure Date | The quote Departure Date | [[Quote.DepartureDate]] | [[Q.DD]] |
Return Date | The quote Return Date | [[Quote.ReturnDate]] | [[Q.RD]] |
Duration | The quote Duration in nights | [[Quote.Duration]] | [[Q.D]] |
Duration Days | The quote Duration (Days) | [[Quote.DurationDays]] | [[Q.DDA]] |
Duration Nights | The quote Duration (Nights) | [[Quote.DurationNights]] | [[Q.DN]] |
Overview | The quote Overview | [[Quote.Overview]] | [[Q.O]] |
Itinerary | The quote Itinerary | [[Quote.Itinerary]] | [[Q.IT]] |
Documents | The quote Documents | [[Quote.Documents]] | [[Q.DO]] |
Enquiry Id | The quote Enquiry Id | [[Quote.EnquiryId]] | [[Q.E]] |
Destinations | The quote Destinations | [[Quote.Destinations]] | [[Q.DE]] |
Ships | The quote Ships | [[Quote.Ships]] | [[Q.SH]] |
Agent Name | The quote Agent Name | [[Quote.AgentName]] | [[Q.AN]] |
Agent Phone | The quote Agent Phone | [[Quote.AgentPhone]] | [[Q.AP]] |
What's Included | The quote whats included as an array of items | [[Quote.WhatsIncluded]] | [[Q.WI]] |
Adults | The quote Adults | [[Quote.Adults]] | [[Q.A]] |
Children | The quote Children | [[Quote.Children]] | [[Q.C]] |
Infants | The quote Infants | [[Quote.Infants]] | [[Q.IN]] |
Agent Notes | The quote Agent Notes | [[Quote.AgentNotes]] | [[Q.AN]] |
Price Display Type | The quote Price Display Type (0 or 1) | [[Quote.PriceDisplayType]] | [[Q.PDT]] |
Agent Phone Secondary | The quote Agent Phone Secondary | [[Quote.AgentPhoneSecondary]] | [[Q.APS]] |
Agent Bio | The quote Agent Bio | [[Quote.AgentBio]] | [[Q.AB]] |
Agent Image | The quote Agent Image | [[Quote.AgentImage]] | [[Q.AI]] |
Countries | See Country | [[Quote.Countries.<field>]] | [[Q.CO.<field>]] |
Agent Email | The quote Agent Email | [[Quote.AgentEmail]] | [[Q.AE]] |
Custom Terms | The quote Custom Terms | [[Quote.CustomTerms]] | [[Q.CT]] |
Comments | See Quote Comments | ||
Content Blocks | |||
Images | See Quote Images | [[Quote.Images]] | [[Q.IM]] |
Videos | See Quote Videos | [[Quote.Videos]] | .V]] |
DestinationContent | Destination Content linked with the on the quote. See Destination | [[Quote.DestinationContent.<field>]] | [[Q.DC.<field>]] |
CurrencySymbol | The quote CurrencySymbol | [[Quote.CurrencySymbol]] | [[Q.CS]] |
TemperatureUnit | The quote TemperatureUnit | [[Quote.TemperatureUnit]] | [[Q.TEU]] |
PassengerCountDisplay | The quote PassengerCountDisplay | [[Quote.PassengerCountDisplay]] | [[Q.PCD]] |
Branch | The quote Branch | [[Quote.Branch]] | [[Q.B]] |
LockLayout | The quote LockLayout | [[Quote.LockLayout]] | [[Q.LL]] |
IsProduct | The quote IsProduct | [[Quote.IsProduct]] | [[Q.IP]] |
Trade Agency | See Trade Agency | ||
TradeAgentName | The quote TradeAgentName | [[Quote.TradeAgentName]] | [[Q.TAN]] |
TradeAgentEmail | The quote TradeAgentEmail | [[Quote.TradeAgentEmail]] | [[Q.TAE]] |
TradeAgentPhone | The quote TradeAgentPhone | [[Quote.TradeAgentPhone]] | [[Q.TAP]] |
TradeAgentPhoneSecondary | The quote TradeAgentPhoneSecondary | [[Quote.TradeAgentPhoneSecondary]] | [[Q.TAPS]] |
TradeAgentImage | The quote TradeAgentImage | [[Quote.TradeAgentImage]] | [[Q.TAI]] |
TradeAgentBio | The quote TradeAgentBio | [[Quote.TradeAgentBio]] | [[Q.TAB]] |
Groups | See Group (this is a list of assigned Group Contacts to the enquiry) | [[Quote.Groups]] | [[Q.G]] |
Price Option
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Total Price | Total price amount | [[Quote.PriceOptions.TotalPrice]] | [[Q.PO.TP]] |
Name | Name | [[Quote.PriceOptions.Name]] | [[Q.PO.N]] |
Deposit | Deposit amount | [[Quote.PriceOptions.Deposit]] | [[Q.PO.D]] |
Deposit Due | Deposit due date | [[Quote.PriceOptions.DepositDue]] | [[Q.PO.DD]] |
Balance Due | Balance due date | [[Quote.PriceOptions.BalanceDue]] | [[Q.PO.BD]] |
Quote Comment
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Comment | Comment | [[Quote.Comments.Comment]] | [[Q.COM.CC]] |
Category | Category | [[Quote.Comments.Category]] | [[Q.COM.CA]] |
Visible To Customer | Visible To Customer (true/false) | [[Quote.Comments.VisibleToCustomer]] | [[Q.COM.VTC]] |
Created Date | Created Date | [[Quote.Comments.CreatedDate]] | [[Q.COM.CD]] |
Source | Source | [[Quote.Comments.Source]] | [[Q.COM.S]] |
Quote Content Block
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Block Id | Block Id | [[Quote.ContentBlocks.BlockId]] | [[Q.CB.BI]] |
Type | Type (0 = HTML, 1 = Image, 2 = Video) | [[Quote.ContentBlocks.Type]] | [[Q.CB.CA]] |
Value | Value | [[Quote.ContentBlocks.Value]] | [[Q.CB.VTC]] |
Created Date | Created Date | [[Quote.ContentBlocks.CreatedDate]] | [[Q.CB.CD]] |
Quote Image
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
URL | URL | [[Quote.Images.Url]] | [[Q.IM.U]] |
Type | Type (0 = Gallery, 1 = Map) | [[Quote.Images.Type]] | [[Q.IM.T]] |
Quote Video
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
URL | URL | [[Quote.Videos.Url]] | [[Q.V.U]] |
Type | Type (0 = Youtube, 1 = Vimeo, 2 = Custom) | [[Quote.Videos.Type]] | [[Q.V.T]] |
Quote Feedback
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Quote Id | The quote Id | [[QuoteFeedback.QuoteId]] | [[QuoteFeedback.QI]] |
Response | This is the response type, | [[QuoteFeedback.Response]] | [[QuoteFeedback.R]] |
More Information | The more information/comments box on the feedback form | [[QuoteFeedback.MoreInformation]] | [[QuoteFeedback.MI]] |
Selected Option | The selected price option name if applicable | [[QuoteFeedback.SelectedOption]] | [[QuoteFeedback.SO]] |
Response Text | The response option selected - Defaults are | [[QuoteFeedback.ResponseText]] | [[QuoteFeedback.RT]] |
This is the top level booking data object
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Id | The TProfile Booking Id | [[Booking.Id]] | [[B.ID]] |
Friendly Name | Friendly name set against the booking | [[Booking.FriendlyName]] | [[B.FN]] |
Tile Url | Tile url | [[Booking.TileUrl]] | [[B.TU]] |
Banner Url | Banner url | [[Booking.BannerUrl]] | [[B.BU]] |
Created Date | The date the booking was created in TProfile | [[Booking.CreatedDate]] | [[B.CD]] |
Balance Due Date | Balance due date | [[Booking.DisplayBalanceDueDate]] | [[B.DBDD]] |
Deposit Due Date | Deposit due date | [[Booking.DisplayDepositDueDate]] | [[B.DDDD]] |
Booked Date | The date the booking was made | [[Booking.DisplayBookedDate]] | [[B.DBD]] |
Status | See Booking Status | ||
Supplier Reference | The supplier reference associated with the booking | [[Booking.SupplierReference]] | [[B.SRE]] |
Display Reference | Get the reference to display, uses the Supplier Reference if set otherwise the TProfile Id | [[Booking.DisplayReference]] | [[B.DR]] |
Lead Passenger | The lead passenger for the booking. See Passenger | [[Booking.LeadPassenger.<properties>]] | [[B.LP.<properties>]] |
Passengers | All passengers associated with the booking. See Passenger | ||
Components | All of the booking components contained in the booking. See Booking Components | ||
Itinerary | A day by itinerary of the booking. See Booking Itinerary | ||
Accommodation | A list of Accommodation | [[Booking.Accommodation.<property>]] | [[B.A.<property>]] |
Flights | A list of Flights | [[Booking.Flights.<property>]] | [[B.F.<property>]] |
Cruises | A list of Cruises | [[Booking.Cruises.<property>]] | [[B.C.<property>]] |
Car Hire | A list of Car Hire | [[Booking.CarHire.<property>]] | [[B.CH.<property>]] |
Transfers | A list of Transfers | [[Booking.Transfers.<property>]] | [[B.T.<property>]] |
Rail Journeys | A list of Rail Journeys | [[Booking.RailJourneys.<property>]] | [[B.RJ.<property>]] |
Ferry Journeys | A list of Ferry Journeys | [[Booking.FerryJourneys.<property>]] | [[B.FJ.<property>]] |
Comments | A list of Comments | ||
Customer Visible Comments | A filtered list of Comments of those only visible to the customer | ||
Customer Non Visible Comments | A filtered list of Comments of those not visible to the customer | ||
Extras | See Booking Extras | ||
Documents | See Document | ||
Pricing | See Booking Price | ||
Payments | See Booking Payments | ||
Start Date | The earliest start date from the Components | [[Booking.StartDate]] | [[B.SD]] |
End Date | The last end date from the Components | [[Booking.EndDate]] | [[B.ED]] |
Destinations | Destinations visited on the booking. See Destination | ||
Countries | Countries visited on the booking. See Country | ||
Duration Days | Duration of the booking in days | [[Booking.DurationDays]] | [[B.DD]] |
Duration Nights | Number of nights the booking spans | [[Booking.DurationNights]] | [[B.DN]] |
Booking Status
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Name | The booking status name | [[Booking.Status.Name]] | [[B.S.N]] |
Description | The booking status description | [[Booking.Status.Description]] | [[B.S.D]] |
Type | The type of the status e.g. Live, Deleted, Cancelled & Travelled | [[Booking.Status.TypeDisplay]] | [[B.S.TD]] |
Booking Passenger
When referencing the Lead Passenger you will need to replace .Passengers. with .LeadPassenger.
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Title | The passenger title | [[Booking.Passengers.Title]] | [[B.P.T]] |
First Name | The passenger first name | [[Booking.Passengers.FirstName]] | [[B.P.FN]] |
Middle Name | The passenger middle name | [[Booking.Passengers.MiddleName]] | [[B.P.MN]] |
Last Name | The passenger last name | [[Booking.Passengers.LastName]] | [[B.P.LN]] |
Insurance | Whether the passenger has insurance or not (True/False) | [[Booking.Passengers.Insurance]] | [[B.P.I]] |
Is Lead Passenger | Whether the passenger is the lead or not (True/False) | [[Booking.Passengers.IsLead]] | [[B.P.IL]] |
The passenger email address | [[Booking.Passengers.Email]] | [[B.P.E]] | |
Phone | The passenger phone number | [[Booking.Passengers.Phone]] | [[B.P.P]] |
Address | |||
Date of Birth | The passenger date of birth | [[Booking.Passengers.DobDisplay]] | [[B.P.DD]] |
Full Name | A combination of title, first, middle and last names combined with a space between each if they have a value | [[Booking.Passengers.DisplayName]] | [[B.P.DN]] |
Nationality | The passenger nationality | [[Booking.Passengers.Nationality]] | [[B.P.N]] |
Passport Number | The passport number | [[Booking.Passengers.PassportNumber]] | [[B.P.PN]] |
Passport Country Of Issue | The country the passport was issued by | [[Booking.Passengers.PassportCountryOfIssue]] | [[B.P.PCOI]] |
Passport Expiry Date | The expiry date of the passport | [[Booking.Passengers.PassportExpiryDate]] | [[B.P.PED]] |
Passport Issue Date | The issue date of the passport | [[Booking.Passengers.PassportIssueDate]] | [[B.P.PID]] |
Gender | The passport Gender | [[Booking.Passengers.Gender]] | [[B.P.G]] |
Gender Id | The passport Gender Id | [[Booking.Passengers.GenderId]] | [[B.P.GI]] |
Type | The passport Type | [[Booking.Passengers.Type]] | [[B.P.TY]] |
Status | The passport Status | [[Booking.Passengers.Status]] | [[B.P.S]] |
Next Of Kin Name | The passport Next Of Kin Name | [[Booking.Passengers.NextOfKinName]] | [[B.P.NOKN]] |
Next Of Kin Phone | The passport Next Of Kin Phone | [[Booking.Passengers.NextOfKinPhone]] | [[B.P.NOKP]] |
Next Of Kin Email | The passport Next Of Kin Email | [[Booking.Passengers.NextOfKinEmail]] | [[B.P.NOKE]] |
Next Of Kin Relation | The passport Next Of Kin Relation | [[Booking.Passengers.NextOfKinRelation]] | [[B.P.NOKR]] |
Medical Conditions | The passport Medical Conditions | [[Booking.Passengers.MedicalConditions]] | [[B.P.MC]] |
Dietary Requirements Allergies | The passport Dietary Requirements Allergies | [[Booking.Passengers.DietaryRequirementsAllergies]] | [[B.P.DRA]] |
Other Info | The passport Other Info | [[Booking.Passengers.OtherInfo]] | [[B.P.OI]] |
Age | Age | [[Booking.Passengers.Age]] | [[B.P.AG]] |
Passenger Group
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Name | The group name | [[Booking.PassengerGroups.Name]] | [[B.PG.N]] |
Overview | The group overview | [[Booking.PassengerGroups.Overview]] | [[B.PG.O]] |
Image URL | The group image URL | [[Booking.PassengerGroups.ImageUrl]] | [[B.PG.I]] |
Passengers | A list of passenger names | [[Booking.PassengerGroups.Passengers.Value]] | [[B.PG.P.V ]] |
Passenger Address
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Address Line 1 | The first line of the address | [[Booking.Passengers.Address.AddressLine1]] | [[B.P.A.AL1]] |
Address Line 2 | The second line of the address | [[Booking.Passengers.Address.AddressLine2]] | [[B.P.A.AL2]] |
Address Line 3 | The third line of the address | [[Booking.Passengers.Address.AddressLine3]] | [[B.P.A.AL3]] |
Address Line 4 | The fourth line of the address | [[Booking.Passengers.Address.AddressLine4]] | [[B.P.A.AL4]] |
County | The County | [[Booking.Passengers.Address.County]] | [[B.P.A.C]] |
Postcode | The postcode | [[Booking.Passengers.Address.Postcode]] | [[B.P.A.P]] |
Display Address | All of the above fields combine into a single line each separated with a comma | [[Booking.Passengers.Address.Display]] | [[B.P.A.D]] |
Booking Components
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Heading | The heading for the day | [[Booking.Components.Heading]] | [[B.COM.H]] |
Type | The type of the itinerary item. e.g. Cruise, Accommodation etc. | [[Booking.Components.Type]] | [[B.COM.T]] |
Start Date | The start date of the itinerary item | [[Booking.Components.StartDate]] | [[B.COM.SD]] |
Start Time | The start time of the itinerary item | [[Booking.Components.StartTime]] | [[B.COM.ST]] |
End Date | The end date of the itinerary item | [[Booking.Components.EndDate]] | [[B.COM.ED]] |
End Time | The end time of the itinerary item | [[Booking.Components.EndTime]] | [[B.COM.ET]] |
Status | The booking status of the component | [[Booking.Components.Status]] | [[B.COM.S]] |
Data | The data for that individual components. See Component Data Types for individual data types and their properties. The supported list of item types is | ||
Comments | A list of Comments | ||
Customer Visible Comments | A filtered list of Comments of those only visible to the customer | ||
Customer Non Visible Comments | A filtered list of Comments of those not visible to the customer |
Booking Itinerary
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Heading | The heading for the day | [[Booking.Itinerary.Heading]] | [[B.I.H]] |
Type | The type of the itinerary item. e.g. Cruise, Accommodation etc. | [[Booking.Itinerary.Type]] | [[B.I.T]] |
Start Date | The start date of the itinerary item | [[Booking.Itinerary.StartDate]] | [[B.I.SD]] |
Start Time | The start time of the itinerary item | [[Booking.Itinerary.StartTime]] | [[B.I.ST]] |
End Date | The end date of the itinerary item | [[Booking.Itinerary.EndDate]] | [[B.I.ED]] |
End Time | The end time of the itinerary item | [[Booking.Itinerary.EndTime]] | [[B.I.ET]] |
Data | The data for that individual components. See Component Data Types for individual data types and their properties. The supported list of item types is
| [[Booking.Itinerary.Data.<Properties>]] | [[B.I.D.<Properties>]] |
Comments | A list of Comments | [[Booking.Itinerary.Comments]] | [[B.I.C]] |
Customer Visible Comments | A filtered list of Comments of those only visible to the customer | [[Booking.Itinerary.CustomerVisibleComments]] | [[B.I.CVC]] |
Customer Non Visible Comments | A filtered list of Comments of those not visible to the customer | [[Booking.Itinerary.CustomerNonVisibleComments]] | [[B.I.CNVC]] |
Component Data Types
Each component leg has their own array of data properties. The same structure is used through the Components, Itinerary and property specific types. For example the same data will appear for a hotel in the follow placeholders:
Therefore in the types tables below you will need to replace <Location> with one of the above either Components, Itinerary or the type in the above example Accommodation. All types are listed on the booking table. The only exception to this are Ports associated with a cruise. In addition to the cruise we also add individual rows for Ports visited on the Cruise Itinerary.
Info |
All component data types also have a list of base fields, do avoid duplicate they are listed below but essentially are accessible on all types. E.g. Supplier reference on a cruise would be [[Booking.Cruises.SupplierReference]] |
Base Fields
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Heading | The heading | [[Booking.<Location>.Heading]] | [[B.<Location>.H]] |
More Information | The more information field | [[Booking.<Location>.MoreInformation]] | [[B.<Location>.MI]] |
Supplier Reference | The supplier refernce | [[Booking.<Location>.SupplierReference]] | [[B.<Location>.SR]] |
Source | The source | [[Booking.<Location>.Source]] | [[B.<Location>.SO]] |
Internal Note | Internal notes | [[Booking.<Location>.InternalNote]] | [[B.<Location>.IN]] |
Special Request | Any special request | [[Booking.<Location>.SpecialRequest]] | [[B.<Location>.SRQ]] |
Comments | A list of Comments | [[Booking.<Location>.Comments]] | [[B.<Location>.C]] |
Customer Visible Comments | A filtered list of Comments of those only visible to the customer | [[Booking.<Location>.CustomerVisibleComments]] | [[B.<Location>.CVC]] |
Customer Non-Visible Comments | A filtered list of Comments of those not visible to the customer | [[Booking.<Location>.CustomerNonVisibleComments]] | [[B.<Location>.CNVC]] |
Status | The status | [[Booking.<Location>.Status]] | [[B.<Location>.S]] |
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Name | The name of the accommodation | [[Booking.<Location>.Name]] | [[B.<Location>.N]] |
Overview | The overview description of the accommodation | [[Booking.<Location>.Overview]] | [[B.<Location>.OV]] |
Location | The destination location of the accommodation | [[Booking.<Location>.Location]] | [[B.<Location>.L]] |
Country | The country of the accommodation | [[Booking.<Location>.Country]] | [[B.<Location>.CO]] |
Supplements | A list of supplements | [[Booking.<Location>.Supplements.Value]] | [[B.<Location>.SU.V]] |
Errata | A list of Erratum | [[Booking.<Location>.Errata.Value]] | [[B.<Location>.E.V]] |
Rooms | |||
Earliest Check In Date | The earliest check in date derived from the Rooms | [[Booking.<Location>.EarliestCheckInDate]] | [[B.<Location>.ECID]] |
Latest Check Out Date | The latest check out date derived from the Rooms | [[Booking.<Location>.LatestCheckOutDate]] | [[B.<Location>.LCOD]] |
Earliest Check In Time | The corresponding time if specified for the earliest check in date | [[Booking.<Location>.EarliestCheckInTime]] | [[B.<Location>.ECIT]] |
Latest Check In Time | The corresponding time if specified for the latest check out date | [[Booking.<Location>.LatestCheckInTime]] | [[B.<Location>.LCIT]] |
Address Line 1 | The accommodation address Line 1 | [[Booking.<Location>.AddressLine1]] | [[B.<Location>.AL1]] |
Address Line 2 | The accommodation address Line 2 | [[Booking.<Location>.AddressLine2]] | [[B.<Location>.AL2]] |
Address Line 3 | The accommodation address Line 3 | [[Booking.<Location>.AddressLine3]] | [[B.<Location>.AL3]] |
Address Line 4 | The accommodation address Line 4 | [[Booking.<Location>.AddressLine4]] | [[B.<Location>.AL4]] |
County | The accommodation county | [[Booking.<Location>.County]] | [[B.<Location>.CU]] |
Postcode | The accommodation postcode | [[Booking.<Location>.Postcode]] | [[B.<Location>.P]] |
Phone Number | The accommodation phone number | [[Booking.<Location>.PhoneNumber]] | [[B.<Location>.PN]] |
Address Display | A display version of the address | [[Booking.<Location>.AddressDisplay]] | [[B.<Location>.AD]] |
Images | A list of accommodation images | [[Booking.<Location>.Images.Value]] | [[B.<Location>.IM.V]] |
Accommodation Room
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Name | The name of the room | [[Booking.<Location>.Rooms.Name]] | [[B.<Location>.R.N]] |
Description | A description of the room | [[Booking.<Location>.Rooms.Description]] | [[B.<Location>.R.D]] |
Check In Date | The check in date | [[Booking.<Location>.Rooms.CheckInDate]] | [[B.<Location>.R.CID]] |
Check Out Date | The check out date | [[Booking.<Location>.Rooms.CheckOutDate]] | [[B.<Location>.R.COD]] |
Check In Time | The check in time | [[Booking.<Location>.Rooms.CheckInTime]] | [[B.<Location>.R.CIT]] |
Check Out Time | The check out time | [[Booking.<Location>.Rooms.CheckOutTime]] | [[B.<Location>.R.COT]] |
Board Basis | The board basis | [[Booking.<Location>.Rooms.BoardBasis]] | [[B.<Location>.R.BB]] |
Guest Names | A list of guests in the room | [[Booking.<Location>.Rooms.PassengerNames.Value]] | [[B.<Location>.R.PN.V]] |
Bed Type | The bed type | [[Booking.<Location>.Rooms.BedType]] | [[B.<Location>.R.BT]] |
Supplements | A list of supplements | [[Booking.<Location>.Rooms.Supplements.Value]] | [[B.<Location>.R.S.V]] |
Images | A list of images | [[Booking.<Location>.Rooms.Images.Value]] | [[B.<Location>.R.I.V]] |
Duration Days | The duration in days | [[Booking.<Location>.Rooms.DurationDays]] | [[B.<Location>.R.DD]] |
Duration Nights | The duration in nighhs | [[Booking.<Location>.Rooms.DurationNights]] | [[B.<Location>.R.DN]] |
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Departure Point | Departure Point | [[Booking.<Location>.DeparturePoint]] | [[B.<Location>.DP]] |
Departure Point Parent | Departure Point Parent | [[Booking.<Location>.DeparturePointParent]] | [[B.<Location>.DPP]] |
Arrival Point | Arrival Point | [[Booking.<Location>.ArrivalPoint]] | [[B.<Location>.AP]] |
Arrival Point Parent | Arrival Point Parent | [[Booking.<Location>.ArrivalPointParent]] | [[B.<Location>.ZPP]] |
Departure Date | Departure date | [[Booking.<Location>.DepartureDate]] | [[B.<Location>.DD]] |
Departure Time | Departure time | [[Booking.<Location>.DepartureTime]] | [[B.<Location>.DT]] |
Arrival Date | Arrival date | [[Booking.<Location>.ArrivalDate]] | [[B.<Location>.AD]] |
Arrival Time | Arrival time | [[Booking.<Location>.ArrivalTime]] | [[B.<Location>.AT]] |
Airline | Airline | [[Booking.<Location>.Airline]] | [[B.<Location>.A]] |
Operating Airline | Operating Airline | [[Booking.<Location>.OperatingAirline]] | [[B.<Location>.OA]] |
Aircraft | Aircraft | [[Booking.<Location>.Aircraft]] | [[B.<Location>.AC]] |
Flight Number | Flight number | [[Booking.<Location>.FlightNumber]] | [[B.<Location>.FN]] |
Check In Minutes | Check in minutes | [[Booking.<Location>.CheckInMinutes]] | [[B.<Location>.CIM]] |
Code Share Statement | Code share statement | [[Booking.<Location>.CodeShareStatement]] | [[B.<Location>.CSS]] |
Fares | A list of Flight Fares | ||
Errata | A list of erratum | [[Booking.<Location>.Errata.Value]] | [[B.<Location>.E.V]] |
Is Red Eye | If the dates are different the flight will be classed as Red Eye | [[Booking.<Location>.IsRedEye]] | [[B.<Location>.IRE]] |
Crosses Date Line | If the departure date/time is after the arrival date/time | [[Booking.<Location>.CrossesDateLine]] | [[B.<Location>.CDL]] |
Flight Fare
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Passenger Name | The passenger name | [[Booking.<Location>.Fares.PassengerName]] | [[B.<Location>.F.PN]] |
PNR Reference | The PNR reference | [[Booking.<Location>.Fares.PnrReference]] | [[B.<Location>.F.PR]] |
Flight Class | The flight class | [[Booking.<Location>.Fares.FlightClass]] | [[B.<Location>.F.FC]] |
Seat Number | The seat number | [[Booking.<Location>.Fares.SeatNumber]] | [[B.<Location>.F.SN]] |
Baggage Allowance | The baggage allowance, this is the raw decimal value e.g. 20 | [[Booking.<Location>.Fares.BaggageAllowance]] | [[B.<Location>.F.BA]] |
Baggage Allowance Description | The baggage allowance description if using | [[Booking.<Location>.Fares.BaggageAllowanceDescription]] | [[B.<Location>.F.BAD]] |
Hand Luggage Only | Returns true/false for whether the flight is hand luggage only | [[Booking.<Location>.Fares.HandLuggageOnly]] | [[B.<Location>.F.HLO]] |
Ticket Number | The ticket number | [[Booking.<Location>.Fares.TicketNumber]] | [[B.<Location>.F.TN]] |
Luggage Allowance | The friendly luggage allowance. If a value for baggage allowance description is specified it will return this otherwise it will return the baggage allowance with KG appended. E.g. 20KG or 10KG (hand Luggage Only) if Hand Luggage Only is true | [[Booking.<Location>.Fares.LuggageAllowance]] | [[B.<Location>.F.LA]] |
Frequent Flyer Carrier | Frequent flyer carrier | [[Booking.<Location>.Fares.FrequentFlyerCarrier]] | [[B.<Location>.F.FFC]] |
Frequent Flyer Number | Frequent flyer number | [[Booking.<Location>.Fares.FrequentFlyerNumber]] | [[B.<Location>.F.FFN]] |
FareLocators | A list of Flight Fare Locators |
Flight Fare Locator
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Provider | Provider | [[Booking.<Location>.Fares.FareLocators.Provider]] | [[B.<Location>.F.FL.P]] |
Code | Code | [[Booking.<Location>.Fares.FareLocators.Code]] | [[B.<Location>.F.FL.C]] |
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Departure Date | The departure date | [[Booking.<Location>.DepartureDate]] | [[B.<Location>.DD]] |
Departure Time | The departure time | [[Booking.<Location>.DepartureTime]] | [[B.<Location>.DT]] |
Return Date | The return date | [[Booking.<Location>.ReturnDate]] | [[B.<Location>.RD]] |
Return Time | The return time | [[Booking.<Location>.ReturnTime]] | [[B.<Location>.RT]] |
Cabins | A list of Cruise Cabins | ||
Details | The Cruise Details |
Cruise Cabin
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Name | The cabin name | [[Booking.<Location>.Cabins.CabinName]] | [[B.<Location>.CA.CN]] |
Grade Code | The cabin grade code | [[Booking.<Location>.Cabins.CabinGradeCode]] | [[B.<Location>.CA.CGC]] |
Cabin Number | The cabin number | [[Booking.<Location>.Cabins.CabinNumber]] | [[B.<Location>.CA.CNO]] |
Deck Number | The deck number of the cabin | [[Booking.<Location>.Cabins.DeckNumber]] | [[B.<Location>.CA.DN]] |
Passenger Names | A list of passengers in the room | [[Booking.<Location>.Cabins.PassengerNames.Value]] | [[B.<Location>.CA.PN.V]] |
Cabin Details | The Cabin Details - Note this will only have a value if the Grade Code matches accommodation on the located cruise |
Cruise Cabin Detail
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Name | The cabin name | [[Booking.<Location>.Cabins.CabinDetails.Name]] | [[B.<Location>.CA.CD.Name]] |
Description | The cabin description | [[Booking.<Location>.Cabins.CabinDetails.Description]] | [[B.<Location>.CA.CD.Description]] |
Stats | The cabin stats | [[Booking.<Location>.Cabins.CabinDetails.Stats]] | [[B.<Location>.CA.CD.Stats]] |
Accessible Cabin | Whether the cabin is accessible or not | [[Booking.<Location>.Cabins.CabinDetails.AccessibleCabin]] | [[B.<Location>.CA.CD.AccessibleCabin]] |
Cruise Detail
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Name | The name of the cruise | [[Booking.<Location>.Details.Name]] | [[B.<Location>.D.Name]] |
Operator | The cruise operator | [[Booking.<Location>.Details.OperatorTitle]] | [[B.<Location>.D.OperatorTitle]] |
Ports | A list of Ports visited | ||
Ship | The name of the ship | [[Booking.<Location>.Details.ShipTitle]] | [[B.<Location>.D.ShipTitle]] |
Overview | The cruise overview | [[Booking.<Location>.Details.Overview]] | [[B.<Location>.D.Overview]] |
Summary | The cruise summary | [[Booking.<Location>.Details.Summary]] | [[B.<Location>.D.Summary]] |
What's Included | What's included with the cruise | [[Booking.<Location>.Details.WhatsIncluded]] | [[B.<Location>.D.WhatsIncluded]] |
Sales Message | Any custom sales message set in the Cruise Manager | [[Booking.<Location>.Details.SalesMessage]] | [[B.<Location>.D.SalesMessage]] |
Text Banner | Any custom text banner set in the Cruise Manager | [[Booking.<Location>.Details.TextBanner]] | [[B.<Location>.D.TextBanner]] |
Extras | Any extras for the cruise | [[Booking.<Location>.Details.Extras]] | [[B.<Location>.D.Extras]] |
Ship | The Ship Details | ||
Operator | The Cruise Operator |
Cruise Ship
Name | Description | Placeholder | Placeholder |
Name | The ship name | [[Booking.<Location>.Details.Ship.Name]] | [[B.<Location>.D.Ship.Name]] |
Class | The ship class | [[Booking.<Location>.Details.Ship.ShipClass]] | [[B.<Location>.DeDails.Ship.ShipClass]] |
Size | The ship size | [[Booking.<Location>.Details.Ship.Size]] | [[B.<Location>.D.Ship.Size]] |
Style | The ship style | [[Booking.<Location>.Details.Ship.Style]] | [[B.<Location>.D.Ship.Style]] |
Type | The ship type | [[Booking.<Location>.Details.Ship.ShipType]] | [[B.<Location>.D.Ship.ShipType]] |
Teaser | The ship teaser | [[Booking.<Location>.Details.Ship.Teaser]] | [[B.<Location>.D.Ship.Teaser]] |
Introduction | The ship introduction | [[Booking.<Location>.Details.Ship.Introduction]] | [[B.<Location>.D.Ship.Introduction]] |
Adults Only | Whether the ship is adults only | [[Booking.<Location>.Details.Ship.AdultsOnly]] | [[B.<Location>.D.Ship.AdultsOnly]] |
Children's Facilities | The ships children's facilities | [[Booking.<Location>.Details.Ship.ChildrensFacilities]] | [[B.<Location>.D.Ship.ChildrensFacilities]] |
Nursery | The ships nursery details | [[Booking.<Location>.Details.Ship.Nursery]] | [[B.<Location>.D.Ship.Nursery]] |
Unique Features | The ships unique features | [[Booking.<Location>.Details.Ship.UniqueFeature]] | [[B.<Location>.D.Ship.UniqueFeature]] |
Smoking | The ships smoking details | [[Booking.<Location>.Details.Ship.Smoking]] | [[B.<Location>.D.Ship.Smoking]] |
Gratuities | The ships gratuities details | [[Booking.<Location>.Details.Ship.Gratuities]] | [[B.<Location>.D.Ship.Gratuities]] |
Cruise Operator
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Name | The operator name | [[Booking.<Location>.Details.Operator.Title]] | [[B.<Location>.D.Operator.Title]] |
Description | The operator description | [[Booking.<Location>.Details.Operator.Description]] | [[B.<Location>.D.Operator.Description]] |
Members Club | The operator members club details | [[Booking.<Location>.Details.Operator.MembersClub]] | [[B.<Location>.D.Operator.MembersClub]] |
Reasons To Book | The operator’s reasons to book | [[Booking.<Location>.Details.Operator.ReasonsToBook]] | [[B.<Location>.D.Operator.ReasonsToBook]] |
What's Included | What's included | [[Booking.<Location>.Details.Operator.WhatsIncluded]] | [[B.<Location>.D.Operator.WhatsIncluded]] |
This is available as its own entity on the Itinerary as well as nested within the Cruise, this means <Location>here will either be Itinerary.Data if Itinerary.Type = Port or Itinerary.Data.Details.Ports if the Itinerary.Type = Cruise
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Name | The port name | [[Booking.<Location>.Name]] | [[B.<Location>.Name]] |
Description | A description of the port | [[Booking.<Location>.Description]] | [[B.<Location>.Description]] |
Day | The day number of the cruise | [[Booking.<Location>.Day]] | [[B.<Location>.Day]] |
Programme | A description of the programme for the day | [[Booking.<Location>.Programme]] | [[B.<Location>.Programme]] |
Start Date | The start of the itinerary visit | [[Booking.<Location>.StartDate]] | [[B.<Location>.StartDate]] |
End Date | The end of the itinerary visit | [[Booking.<Location>.EndDate]] | [[B.<Location>.EndDate]] |
Port Code | Port code (if applicable) being visted | [[Booking.<Location>.PortCode]] | [[B.<Location>.PortCode]] |
Images | I list of image URL associated with the itinerary item | [[Booking.<Location>.Images]] | [[B.<Location>.Images]] |
Type | For cruise packages this is the type of the itinerary item, these are: Accommodation, Cruise, Coach, Flight, Experience, CarHire, Transfers, Miscellaneous | [[Booking.<Location>.Type]] | [[B.<Location>.Type]] |
Is Overnight | Whether the stop is over night. Returns true/false | [[Booking.<Location>.IsOvernight]] | [[B.<Location>.IsOvernight]] |
Car Hire
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Vehicle Name | Vehicle Name | [[Booking.<Location>.VehicleName]] | [[B.<Location>.VN]] |
LeadDriver | LeadDriver | [[Booking.<Location>.LeadDriver]] | [[B.<Location>.LD]] |
PickUpPoint | PickUpPoint | [[Booking.<Location>.PickUpPoint]] | [[B.<Location>.PUP]] |
Drop Off Point | Drop Off Point | [[Booking.<Location>.DropOffPoint]] | [[B.<Location>.DOP]] |
Pick Up Date | Pick Up Date | [[Booking.<Location>.PickUpDate]] | [[B.<Location>.PUD]] |
Pick Up Time | Pick Up Time | [[Booking.<Location>.PickUpTime]] | [[B.<Location>.PUT]] |
Drop Off Date | Drop Off Date | [[Booking.<Location>.DropOffDate]] | [[B.<Location>.DOD]] |
Drop Off Time | Drop Off Time | [[Booking.<Location>.DropOffTime]] | [[B.<Location>.DOT]] |
Vehicle Transmission | Vehicle Transmission | [[Booking.<Location>.VehicleTransmission]] | [[B.<Location>.VT]] |
Extras | A list of Car Hire Extras | ||
Supplier | See Booking Supplier | ||
AdditionalDriverNames | AdditionalDriverNames | [[Booking.<Location>.AdditionalDriverNames.Value]] | [[B.<Location>.ADN.V]] |
Car Hire Extra
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Name | The name of the car hire extra | [[Booking.<Location>.Extras.Name]] | [[B.<Location>.E.N]] |
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Pick Up Point | Pick up point | [[Booking.<Location>.PickUpPoint]] | [[B.<Location>.PUP]] |
Drop Off Point | Drop off point | [[Booking.<Location>.DropOffPoint]] | [[B.<Location>.DOP]] |
Pick Up Date | Pick up date | [[Booking.<Location>.PickUpDate]] | [[B.<Location>.PUD]] |
Pick Up Time | Pick up time | [[Booking.<Location>.PickUpTime]] | [[B.<Location>.PUT]] |
Drop Off Date | Drop off date | [[Booking.<Location>.DropOffDate]] | [[B.<Location>.DOD]] |
Drop Off Time | Drop off time | [[Booking.<Location>.DropOffTime]] | [[B.<Location>.DOT]] |
Vehicle Name | Vehicle name | [[Booking.<Location>.VehicleName]] | [[B.<Location>.VN]] |
Supplier | See Booking Supplier | ||
Duration Hours | Duration hours | [[Booking.<Location>.DurationHours]] | [[B.<Location>.DH]] |
Duration Minutes | Duration minutes | [[Booking.<Location>.DurationMinutes]] | [[B.<Location>.DM]] |
Passenger Names | A list of passenger names | [[Booking.<Location>.PassengerNames.Value]] | [[B.<Location>.PN.V ]] |
Rail Journey
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Departure Point | Departure point | [[Booking.<Location>.DeparturePoint]] | [[B.<Location>.DP]] |
Arrival Point | Arrival point | [[Booking.<Location>.ArrivalPoint]] | [[B.<Location>.AP]] |
DepartureDate | Departure date | [[Booking.<Location>.DepartureDate]] | [[B.<Location>.DD]] |
Departure Time | Departure time | [[Booking.<Location>.DepartureTime]] | [[B.<Location>.DT]] |
Arrival Date | Arrival date | [[Booking.<Location>.ArrivalDate]] | [[B.<Location>.AD]] |
Arrival Time | Arrival time | [[Booking.<Location>.ArrivalTime]] | [[B.<Location>.AT]] |
Supplier | See Booking Supplier | ||
Fares | A list of Fares |
Rail Journey Fare
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Passenger Name | Passenger name | [[Booking.<Location>.PassengerName]] | [[B.<Location>.PN]] |
Baggage Allowance | The baggage allowance in KG | [[Booking.<Location>.BaggageAllowance]] | [[B.<Location>.BA]] |
Seat Number | Seat number | [[Booking.<Location>.SeatNumber]] | [[B.<Location>.SN]] |
Class | Class | [[Booking.<Location>.Class]] | [[B.<Location>.C]] |
Carriage Number | Carriage number | [[Booking.<Location>.CarriageNumber]] | [[B.<Location>.CN]] |
Ferry Journey
Name | Description | Placeholder | Placeholder |
Departure Port | Departure port | [[Booking.<Location>.DeparturePort]] | [[B.<Location>.DP]] |
Arrival Port | Arrival port | [[Booking.<Location>.ArrivalPort]] | [[B.<Location>.AP]] |
Departure Date | Departure date | [[Booking.<Location>.DepartureDate]] | [[B.<Location>.DD]] |
Departure Time | Departure time | [[Booking.<Location>.DepartureTime]] | [[B.<Location>.DT]] |
Arrival Date | Arrival date | [[Booking.<Location>.ArrivalDate]] | [[B.<Location>.AD]] |
Arrival Time | Arrival time | [[Booking.<Location>.ArrivalTime]] | [[B.<Location>.AT]] |
Supplier | See Booking Supplier | ||
Seats | A list of Ferry Seats | ||
Cabins | A list of Ferry Cabins |
Ferry Journey Seat
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Passenger Name | Passenger name | [[Booking.<Location>.Seats.PassengerName]] | [[B.<Location>.SE.PN]] |
Seat Number | Seat number | [[Booking.<Location>.Seats.SeatNumber]] | [[B.<Location>.SE.SN]] |
Deck Number | Deck number | [[Booking.<Location>.Seats.DeckNumber]] | [[B.<Location>.SE.DN]] |
Seat Name | Seat name | [[Booking.<Location>.Seats.SeatName]] | [[B.<Location>.SE.SN]] |
Ferry Journey Cabin
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Cabin Name | CabinName | [[Booking.<Location>.Cabins.CabinName]] | [[B.<Location>.CA.CN]] |
Deck Number | Deck number | [[Booking.<Location>.Cabins.DeckNumber]] | [[B.<Location>.CA.DN]] |
Cabin Number | Cabin number | [[Booking.<Location>.Cabins.CabinNumber]] | [[B.<Location>.CA.CN]] |
Passenger Names | A list of passenger names | [[Booking.<Location>.Cabins.PassengerNames.Value]] | [[B.<Location>.CA.PN.V]] |
Booking Comment
Comments can be located at the top level of the booking an on individual components therefore <Location> needs to be replaced below with it’s relevant placeholder e.g. .Comments.
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Comment | The comment itself | [[Booking.<Location>.Comment]] | [[B.<Location>.C]] |
Visible To Customer | Returns true/false whether the comment is visible to the customer | [[Booking.<Location>.VisibleToCustomer]] | [[B.<Location>.VTC]] |
Created Date | The date the comment was created | [[Booking.<Location>.CreatedDate]] | [[B.<Location>.CD]] |
Source | Comment source | [[Booking.<Location>.Source]] | [[B.<Location>.S]] |
Category | Comment category | [[Booking.<Location>.Category]] | [[B.<Location>.CA]] |
Booking Additional Information
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Title | The title | [[Booking.AdditionalInformation.Title]] | [[B.AI.T]] |
Description | The description | [[Booking.AdditionalInformation.Description]] | [[B.AI.D]] |
Image | The image | [[Booking.AdditionalInformation.Image]] | [[B.AI.I]] |
Type | The type | [[Booking.AdditionalInformation.Type]] | [[B.AI.TY]] |
Parent Type | The parent type | [[Booking.AdditionalInformation.ParentType]] | [[B.AI.PT]] |
Booking Extras
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Heading | The heading for the extra | [[Booking.Extras.Heading]] | [[B.E.H]] |
More Information | The more information for the extra | [[Booking.Extras.MoreInformation]] | [[B.E.MI]] |
Supplier Reference | The supplier reference for the extra | [[Booking.Extras.SupplierReference]] | [[B.E.SR]] |
Internal Note | The internal note for the extra | [[Booking.Extras.InternalNote]] | [[B.E.IN]] |
Special Request | The special request for the extra | [[Booking.Extras.SpecialRequest]] | [[B.E.SRQ]] |
Heading | The heading for the extra | [[Booking.Extras.Heading]] | [[B.E.H]] |
Start Date | The start date | [[Booking.Extras.StartDate]] | [[B.E.SD]] |
Start Time | The start time | [[Booking.Extras.StartTime]] | [[B.E.ST]] |
End Date | The end date | [[Booking.Extras.EndDate]] | [[B.E.ED]] |
End Time | The end time | [[Booking.Extras.EndTime]] | [[B.E.ET]] |
Supplier | See Booking Supplier | ||
Passenger Names | A list of passenger names | [[Booking.Extras.PassengerNames.Value]] | [[B.E.PN.V]] |
Booking Supplier
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Name | The name of the supplier | [[Booking.<Related Element>.Supplier.Name]] | [[B.<Related Element>.SU.N]] |
Type | The type of the supplier e.g. Car Hire Provider, Transfer Company | [[Booking.<Related Element>.Supplier.Type]] | [[B.<Related Element>.SU.T]] |
Description | The supplier description. | [[Booking.<Related Element>.Supplier.Description]] | [[B.<Related Element>.SU.D]] |
Supplier Terms URL | The supplier Terms & Conditions URL | [[Booking.<Related Element>.Supplier.TermsUrl]] | [[B.<Related Element>.SU.TU]] |
Booking Price
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Description | The description of the price | [[Booking.Pricing.Description]] | [[B.PR.D]] |
Price | The price | [[Booking.Pricing.DisplayPrice]] | [[B.PR.DP]] |
Type | The type e.g. Cruise, Accommodation | [[Booking.Pricing.Type]] | [[B.PR.T]] |
Customer Price | The price wiothout discount | [[Booking.Pricing.CustomerPrice]] | [[B.PR.CP]] |
Customer Price Tax | The tax on the price | [[Booking.Pricing.CustomerPriceTax]] | [[B.PR.CPT]] |
Customer Discount | The discount amount | [[Booking.Pricing.CustomerDiscount]] | [[B.PR.CD]] |
Commission | Commision amount | [[Booking.Pricing.Commission]] | [[B.PR.CO]] |
Commission Tax | Commision tax amount | [[Booking.Pricing.CommissionTax]] | [[B.PR.CT]] |
Adults | Number of adults | [[Booking.Pricing.Adults]] | [[B.PR.A]] |
Children | Number of children | [[Booking.Pricing.Children]] | [[B.PR.C]] |
Infants | Number of infants | [[Booking.Pricing.Infants]] | [[B.PR.I]] |
Leg Status | The status of the priced item | [[Booking.Pricing.LegStatus]] | [[B.PR.LS]] |
Total Passengers | A total count of Adults, Children and Infants | [[Booking.Pricing.TotalPassengers]] | [[B.PR.TP]] |
Booking Payments
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Total Price | The total price of the booking | [[Booking.Payments.TotalPrice]] | [[B.PA.TP]] |
Total Price Tax | The total tax for the booking | [[Booking.Payments.TotalPriceTax]] | [[B.PA.TPT]] |
Total Commission | The total commission for the booking | [[Booking.Payments.TotalCommission]] | [[B.PA.TC]] |
Total Commission Tax | The total tax on commission for the booking | [[Booking.Payments.TotalCommissionTax]] | [[B.PA.TCT]] |
Total Paid | The total paid | [[Booking.Payments.TotalPaid]] | [[B.PA.TPA]] |
Outstanding Balance | Total Price less Total Paid | [[Booking.Payments.OutstandingBalance]] | [[B.PA.OB]] |
History | A list of historic payments. See Booking Payment | [[Booking.Payments.History.<Properties>]] | [[B.PA.H.<Properties>]] |
Future | A list of future payments. See Booking Payment | [[Booking.Payments.Future.<Properties>]] | [[B.PA.F.<Properties>]] |
Outstanding Balance Less Commission | Total Price less Total Paid less Total Commission | [[Booking.Payments.OutstandingBalanceLessCommission]] | [[B.PA.OBLC]] |
Booking Payment
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Date | The date of the payment | [[<Related Element>.DisplayDate]] | [[<Related Element>.DD]] |
Amount | The amount of the payment | [[<Related Element>.Amount]] | [[<Related Element>.A]] |
Reference | Total Price less Total Paid | [[<Related Element>.Reference]] | [[<Related Element>.R]] |
Payment Method | The payment method | [[<Related Element>.PaymentMethod]] | [[<Related Element>.PM]] |
Payee Name | The payee name | [[<Related Element>.PayeeName]] | [[<Related Element>.PN]] |
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Address Line 1 | The first line of the address | [[<Related Element>.Address.AddressLine1]] | [[<Related Element>.A.AL1]] |
Address Line 2 | The second line of the address | [[<Related Element>.Address.AddressLine2]] | [[<Related Element>.A.AL2]] |
Address Line 3 | The third line of the address | [[<Related Element>.Address.AddressLine3]] | [[<Related Element>.A.AL3]] |
Address Line 4 | The fourth line of the address | [[<Related Element>.Address.AddressLine4]] | [[<Related Element>.A.AL4]] |
County | The County | [[<Related Element>.Address.County]] | [[<Related Element>.A.C]] |
Postcode | The postcode | [[<Related Element>.Address.Postcode]] | [[<Related Element>.A.P]] |
Display Address | All of the above fields combine into a single line each separated with a comma | [[<Related Element>.Address.Display]] | [[<Related Element>.A.D]] |
Name | Description | Placeholder | |
File Name | The name of the file | [[<Related Element>.FileName]] | [[<Related Element>.FN]] |
URL | The URL of the file | [[<Related Element>.Location]] | [[<Related Element>.L]] |
Version | The version of the file | [[<Related Element>.Version]] | [[<Related Element>.V]] |
Friendly Name | The friendly display name of the file | [[<Related Element>.Name]] | [[<Related Element>.FN]] |
Short Placeholder
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Name | The name of the country | [[<Related Element>.Name]] | [[<Related Element>.N]] |
Friendly Name | The friendly name of the country | [[<Related Element>.FriendlyName]] | [[<Related Element>.FN]] |
URL Name | The URL in TProfile of the country | [[<Related Element>.UrlName]] | [[<Related Element>.UN]] |
Country Code | The country code of the country | [[<Related Element>.CountryCode]] | [[<Related Element>.CC]] |
ISO Region | The ISO region of the country | [[<Related Element>.IsoRegion]] | [[<Related Element>.IR]] |
Overview | The overview of the country | [[<Related Element>.Overview]] | [[<Related Element>.O]] |
Extended Overview | The extended overview of the country | [[<Related Element>.ExtendedOverview]] | [[<Related Element>.EO]] |
Electricity Details | The electricity details of the country | [[<Related Element>.ElectricityDetails]] | [[<Related Element>.ED]] |
Currency Details | The currency details of the country | [[<Related Element>.CurrencyDetails]] | [[<Related Element>.CD]] |
Getting Around Details | Getting around details for the country | [[<Related Element>.GettingAroundDetails]] | [[<Related Element>.GAD]] |
Attraction Details | Attraction details for the country | [[<Related Element>.AttractionDetails]] | [[<Related Element>.AD]] |
Language | The language of the country | [[<Related Element>.Language]] | [[<Related Element>.L]] |
Passport & Visa Details | Passport & visa details of the country | [[<Related Element>.PassportAndVisaDetails]] | [[<Related Element>.PAVD]] |
Banner Images | A list of banner image URL’s | [[<Related Element>.BannerImages]] | [[<Related Element>.BI]] |
Full Width Images | A list of full width image URL’s | [[<Related Element>.FullWidthImages]] | [[<Related Element>.FWI]] |
Gallery Images | A list of gallery image URL’s | [[<Related Element>.GalleryImages]] | [[<Related Element>.GI]] |
Narrow Images | A list of narrow image URL’s | [[<Related Element>.NarrowImages]] | [[<Related Element>.NI]] |
Health | Details on the health of the countries citizens | [[<Related Element>.Health]] | [[<Related Element>.H]] |
Tipping | Details on tipping | [[<Related Element>.Tipping]] | [[<Related Element>.T]] |
ClimateInfo | Climate information for the country | [[<Related Element>.ClimateInfo]] | [[<Related Element>.CI]] |
Safety | Safety information | [[<Related Element>.Safety]] | [[<Related Element>.S]] |
Customs | Customs information | [[<Related Element>.Customs]] | [[<Related Element>.C]] |
Business | Business information | [[<Related Element>.Business]] | [[<Related Element>.B]] |
DutyFree | Duty free information | [[<Related Element>.DutyFree]] | [[<Related Element>.DF]] |
Communications | Communications information | [[<Related Element>.Communications]] | [[<Related Element>.COM]] |
Money | Money information | [[<Related Element>.Money]] | [[<Related Element>.M]] |
Contacts | Contacts for the country | [[<Related Element>.Contacts]] | [[<Related Element>.CO]] |
Embassy Consulates In The Country | Embassy consulates information | [[<Related Element>.EmbassyConsulatesIn]] | [[<Related Element>.ECI]] |
Embassy Consulates | Embassy consulates | [[<Related Element>.EmbassyConsulates]] | [[<Related Element>.EC]] |
Entry Requirements | Entry requirements | [[<Related Element>.EntryRequirements]] | [[<Related Element>.ER]] |
Public Holidays | Public holidays | [[<Related Element>.PublicHolidays]] | [[<Related Element>.PH]] |
Advisory Notes | Advisory notes | [[<Related Element>.AdvisoryNotes]] | [[<Related Element>.AN]] |
Warning Message | Warning message | [[<Related Element>.WarningMessage]] | [[<Related Element>.WM]] |
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Name | The name of the destination | [[<Related Element>.Name]] | [[<Related Element>.N]] |
Friendly Name | The friendly name of the destination | [[<Related Element>.FriendlyName]] | [[<Related Element>.FN]] |
URL Name | The URL in TProfile of the destination | [[<Related Element>.UrlName]] | [[<Related Element>.UN]] |
Country Code | The country code of the destination | [[<Related Element>.CountryCode]] | [[<Related Element>.CC]] |
Destination Code | The destination code (e.g. JFK) | [[<Related Element>.DestinationCode]] | [[<Related Element>.DC]] |
Overview | The overview of the destination | [[<Related Element>.Overview]] | [[<Related Element>.O]] |
Extended Overview | The extended overview of the destination | [[<Related Element>.ExtendedOverview]] | [[<Related Element>.EO]] |
Type | The destination type (City/Region/Airport etc.) | [[<Related Element>.Type]] | [[<Related Element>.T]] |
Getting Around Details | Getting around details | [[<Related Element>.GettingAround]] | [[<Related Element>.GA]] |
Nightlife | Nightlife in the destination | [[<Related Element>.Nightlife]] | [[<Related Element>.NI]] |
Skiing | Skiing details if appropiate | [[<Related Element>.Skiing]] | [[<Related Element>.S]] |
Shopping Details | Shopping details | [[<Related Element>.ShoppingDetails]] | [[<Related Element>.SD]] |
Sightseeing Details | Sightseeing details | [[<Related Element>.SightseeingDetails]] | [[<Related Element>.SID]] |
Child Attraction Details | Child attraction details | [[<Related Element>.ChildAttractionDetails]] | [[<Related Element>.CAD]] |
RestaurantDetails | Restaurant details | [[<Related Element>.RestaurantDetails]] | [[<Related Element>.RD]] |
Climate Details | Climate details | [[<Related Element>.ClimateDetails]] | [[<Related Element>.CD]] |
Banner Images | A list of banner image URL’s | [[<Related Element>.BannerImages]] | [[<Related Element>.BI]] |
Full Width Images | A list of full width image URL’s | [[<Related Element>.FullWidthImages]] | [[<Related Element>.FWI]] |
Gallery Images | A list of gallery image URL’s | [[<Related Element>.GalleryImages]] | [[<Related Element>.GI]] |
Narrow Images | A list of narrow image URL’s | [[<Related Element>.NarrowImages]] | [[<Related Element>.NIM]] |
Location | Location | [[<Related Element>.Location]] | [[<Related Element>.L]] |
Transfer Terminals | Transfer terminals | [[<Related Element>.TransferTerminals]] | [[<Related Element>.TT]] |
Transfer City | Transfer city | [[<Related Element>.TransferCity]] | [[<Related Element>.TC]] |
Car Rental | Car rental | [[<Related Element>.CarRental]] | [[<Related Element>.CR]] |
Taxi | Taxi | [[<Related Element>.Taxi]] | [[<Related Element>.TA]] |
Airport Facilities | Airport facilities | [[<Related Element>.AirportFacilities]] | [[<Related Element>.AF]] |
Car Parking | Car parking | [[<Related Element>.CarParking]] | [[<Related Element>.CP]] |
Airport Hotels | Airport hotels | [[<Related Element>.AirportHotels]] | [[<Related Element>.AH]] |
Advisory Notes | Advisory notes | [[<Related Element>.AdvisoryNotes]] | [[<Related Element>.AN]] |
Warning Message | Warning message | [[<Related Element>.WarningMessage]] | [[<Related Element>.WM]] |
Activities | Activities | [[<Related Element>.Activities]] | [[<Related Element>.A]] |