Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Id | Id of the enquiry | [[Enquiry.Id]] | [[E.I]] |
More Info | The more info on an enquiry | [[Enquiry.MoreInfo]] | [[E.MI]] |
Created | The created date of the enquiry | [[Enquiry.Created]] | [[E.C]] |
Agent Title | The title of the assigned agent | [[Enquiry.Agent.Title]] | [[E.A.T]] |
Agent First Name | The first name of the assigned agent | [[Enquiry.Agent.FirstName]] | [[E.A.FN]] |
Agent Last Name | The last name of the assigned agent | [[Enquiry.Agent.LastName]] | [[E.A.LN]] |
Agent Primary Email | The primary email address of the assigned agent | [[Enquiry.Agent.PrimaryEmail]] | [[E.A.PE]] |
Agent Primary Telephone | The primary telephone of the assigned agent | [[Enquiry.Agent.PrimaryTelephone]] | [[E.A.PT]] |
Branch | See Branch | ||
Trade Agent Title | The title of the assigned trade agent | [[Enquiry.TradeAgent.Title]] | [[E.TA.T]] |
Trade Agent First Name | The first name of the assigned trade agent | [[Enquiry.TradeAgent.FirstName]] | [[E.TA.FN]] |
Trade Agent Last Name | The last name of the assigned trade agent | [[Enquiry.TradeAgent.LastName]] | [[E.TA.LN]] |
Trade Agent Primary Email | The primary email address of the assigned trade agent | [[Enquiry.TradeAgent.PrimaryEmail]] | [[E.TA.PE]] |
Trade Agent Primary Telephone | The primary telephone of the assigned trade agent | [[Enquiry.TradeAgent.PrimaryTelephone]] | [[E.TA.PT]] |
Trade Agency | See Trade Agency | ||
Lead Passenger Title | The title of the assigned lead passenger | [[Enquiry.LeadPassenger.Title]] | [[E.LP.T]] |
Lead Passenger First Name | The first name of the assigned lead passenger | [[Enquiry.LeadPassenger.FirstName]] | [[E.LP.FN]] |
Lead Passenger Last Name | The last name of the assigned lead passenger | [[Enquiry.LeadPassenger.LastName]] | [[E.LP.LN]] |
Lead Passenger Primary Email | The primary email address of the assigned lead passenger | [[Enquiry.LeadPassenger.PrimaryEmail]] | [[E.LP.PE]] |
Lead Passenger Primary Telephone | The primary telephone of the assigned lead passenger | [[Enquiry.LeadPassenger.PrimaryTelephone]] | [[E.LP.PT]] |
Lead Passenger Primary Address Line 1 | The address line 1 | [[Enquiry.LeadPassenger.PrimaryAddressLine1]] | [[E.LP.PAL1]] |
Lead Passenger Primary Address Line 2 | The address line 2 | [[Enquiry.LeadPassenger.PrimaryAddressLine2]] | [[E.LP.PAL2]] |
Lead Passenger Primary Address Line 3 | The address line 3 | [[Enquiry.LeadPassenger.PrimaryAddressLine3]] | [[E.LP.PAL3]] |
Lead Passenger Primary Address Line 4 | The address line 4 | [[Enquiry.LeadPassenger.PrimaryAddressLine4]] | [[E.LP.PAL4]] |
Lead Passenger Primary County | The county | [[Enquiry.LeadPassenger.PrimaryAddressCounty]] | [[E.LP.PAC]] |
Lead Passenger Primary Postcode | The postcode | [[Enquiry.LeadPassenger.PrimaryAddressPostcode]] | [[E.LP.PAP]] |
Lead Passenger Address Display | A combined comma separated field of the whole address | [[Enquiry.LeadPassenger.PrimaryAddressDisplay]] | [[E.LP.PAD]] |
Currency Symbol | The currency symbol | [[Enquiry.CurrencySymbol]] | [[E.CS]] |
Currency Abbreviation | The currency abbreviation (USD, GBP etc.) | [[Enquiry.CurrencyAbbreviation]] | [[E.CA]] |
Currency Name | The currency (British Pounds, Euros etc.) | [[Enquiry.CurrencyName]] | [[E.CN]] |
Days | The days | [[Enquiry.Days]] | [[E.D]] |
Nights | The nights | [[Enquiry.Night]] | [[E.N]] |
Lead Contact Title | The title of the assigned lead passenger | [[Enquiry.LeadContact.Title]] | [[E.LC.T]] |
Lead Contact First Name | The first name of the assigned lead passenger | [[Enquiry.LeadContact.FirstName]] | [[E.LC.FN]] |
Lead Contact Last Name | The last name of the assigned lead passenger | [[Enquiry.LeadContact.LastName]] | [[E.LC.LN]] |
Lead Contact Primary Email | The primary email address of the assigned lead passenger | [[Enquiry.LeadContact.PrimaryEmail]] | [[E.LC.PE]] |
Lead Contact Primary Telephone | The primary telephone of the assigned lead passenger | [[Enquiry.LeadContact.PrimaryTelephone]] | [[E.LC.PT]] |
Lead Contact Primary Address Line 1 | The address line 1 | [[Enquiry.LeadContact.PrimaryAddressLine1]] | [[E.LC.PAL1]] |
Lead Contact Primary Address Line 2 | The address line 2 | [[Enquiry.LeadContact.PrimaryAddressLine2]] | [[E.LC.PAL2]] |
Lead Contact Primary Address Line 3 | The address line 3 | [[Enquiry.LeadContact.PrimaryAddressLine3]] | [[E.LC.PAL3]] |
Lead Contact Primary Address Line 4 | The address line 4 | [[Enquiry.LeadContact.PrimaryAddressLine4]] | [[E.LC.PAL4]] |
Lead Contact Primary County | The county | [[Enquiry.LeadContact.PrimaryAddressCounty]] | [[E.LC.PAC]] |
Lead Contact Primary Postcode | The postcode | [[Enquiry.LeadContact.PrimaryAddressPostcode]] | [[E.LC.PAP]] |
Lead Contact Address Display | A combined comma separated field of the whole address | [[Enquiry.LeadContact.PrimaryAddressDisplay]] | [[E.LC.PAD]] |
Lead Group | See Group |
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Departure Point | Departure Point | [[Booking.<Location>.DeparturePoint]] | [[B.<Location>.DP]] |
Departure Point Parent | Departure Point Parent | [[Booking.<Location>.DeparturePointParent]] | [[B.<Location>.DPP]] |
Arrival Point | Arrival Point | [[Booking.<Location>.ArrivalPoint]] | [[B.<Location>.AP]] |
Arrival Point Parent | Arrival Point Parent | [[Booking.<Location>.ArrivalPointParent]] | [[B.<Location>.ZPP]] |
Departure Date | Departure date | [[Booking.<Location>.DepartureDate]] | [[B.<Location>.DD]] |
Departure Time | Departure time | [[Booking.<Location>.DepartureTime]] | [[B.<Location>.DT]] |
Arrival Date | Arrival date | [[Booking.<Location>.ArrivalDate]] | [[B.<Location>.AD]] |
Arrival Time | Arrival time | [[Booking.<Location>.ArrivalTime]] | [[B.<Location>.AT]] |
Airline | Airline | [[Booking.<Location>.Airline]] | [[B.<Location>.A]] |
Operating Airline | Operating Airline | [[Booking.<Location>.OperatingAirline]] | [[B.<Location>.OA]] |
Aircraft | Aircraft | [[Booking.<Location>.Aircraft]] | [[B.<Location>.AC]] |
Flight Number | Flight number | [[Booking.<Location>.FlightNumber]] | [[B.<Location>.FN]] |
Check In Minutes | Check in minutes | [[Booking.<Location>.CheckInMinutes]] | [[B.<Location>.CIM]] |
Code Share Statement | Code share statement | [[Booking.<Location>.CodeShareStatement]] | [[B.<Location>.CSS]] |
Fares | A list of Flight Fares | ||
Errata | A list of erratum | [[Booking.<Location>.Errata.Value]] | [[B.<Location>.E.V]] |
Is Red Eye | If the dates are different the flight will be classed as Red Eye | [[Booking.<Location>.IsRedEye]] | [[B.<Location>.IRE]] |
Crosses Date Line | If the departure date/time is after the arrival date/time | [[Booking.<Location>.CrossesDateLine]] | [[B.<Location>.CDL]] |
Name | Description | Placeholder | Short Placeholder |
Passenger Name | The passenger name | [[Booking.<Location>.Fares.PassengerName]] | [[B.<Location>.F.PN]] |
PNR Reference | The PNR reference | [[Booking.<Location>.Fares.PnrReference]] | [[B.<Location>.F.PR]] |
Flight Class | The flight class | [[Booking.<Location>.Fares.FlightClass]] | [[B.<Location>.F.FC]] |
Seat Number | The seat number | [[Booking.<Location>.Fares.SeatNumber]] | [[B.<Location>.F.SN]] |
Baggage Allowance | The baggage allowance, this is the raw decimal value e.g. 20 | [[Booking.<Location>.Fares.BaggageAllowance]] | [[B.<Location>.F.BA]] |
Baggage Allowance Description | The baggage allowance description if using | [[Booking.<Location>.Fares.BaggageAllowanceDescription]] | [[B.<Location>.F.BAD]] |
Hand Luggage Only | Returns true/false for whether the flight is hand luggage only | [[Booking.<Location>.Fares.HandLuggageOnly]] | [[B.<Location>.F.HLO]] |
Ticket Number | The ticket number | [[Booking.<Location>.Fares.TicketNumber]] | [[B.<Location>.F.TN]] |
Luggage Allowance | The friendly luggage allowance. If a value for baggage allowance description is specified it will return this otherwise it will return the baggage allowance with KG appended. E.g. 20KG or 10KG (hand Luggage Only) if Hand Luggage Only is true | [[Booking.<Location>.Fares.LuggageAllowance]] | [[B.<Location>.F.LA]] |
Frequent Flyer Carrier | Frequent flyer carrier | [[Booking.<Location>.Fares.FrequentFlyerCarrier]] | [[B.<Location>.F.FFC]] |
Frequent Flyer Number | Frequent flyer number | [[Booking.<Location>.Fares.FrequentFlyerNumber]] | [[B.<Location>.F.FFN]] |
FareLocators | A list of Flight Fare Locators |