This function allows you to add components to the itinerary, such as flights and hotels.
Here is how >
Follow the steps in How to Create a cruise-only quote up to and including point 6
To edit the itinerary
Click on the button ‘NEW COMPONENT’ which is just above the itinerary.
New Components
Click Flights and choose ‘TProfile’
For a quick quote, manually add in the dates and times, then use the drop-down option to add in the departure and arrival airports and save.
For a full quote, enter all details, ie carrier, class, etc. and save.
Add in the Luggage allowance, or hand luggage only.
You can add the return flight by ticking the ‘CREATE RETURN FLIGHT NOW’. It will use the same airports as departure but in reverse. You are still required to add other details.
Select ‘SHOW DESTINATION INFORMATION’ this will pull in your banners and destination content. See Tip 1
New Components
Click on Accommodation
Search options
All hotels providers - use the drop-down box to select the provider.
All Countries - use the drop-down box to select the country.
Search by name - manually add the title of the hotel.
Once you have selected the required hotel, you can preview it first before adding it to the quote
Once you have selected the required hotel, click ADD TO QUOTE
Manually add in the dates and times
Select the number of rooms, room type, and board basis.
If more than one room and one is double and the other is a suite - Click on ‘ADD A ROOM’
The content will automatically drop into the overview - You can add or remove it. Tip2
Click Save or Save and add another
All other components
Cruise - You can pull in a cruise from Widgety this way or create a cruise by manually adding in leg by Leg which is good for mini cruise Tip3
Miscellaneous - Free Type, manually add in other options required. Example: Airport Lounge,
Car Hire - Manually add in car hire details pick up and drop of locations with the vehicle type, use overview to add any extras like car hire insurance
Transfer - Manual insert
Attraction Ticket - Manual insert
Excursions -Manual insert
Escorted Tour - Manual insert
Rail - Manual insert - use the drop-down boxes on the departure and arrival stations.
Check your quote and make any final edits.
Scroll to the top of the quote and copy the link via public view or click on the grey button and paste it into your agents email to send to the client or use TProfile email system
When add-in ‘SHOW DESTINATION INFORMATION’ if you have created a return flight, it will also pull in the arrival airport back to the UK. Click edit on the flight and untick.
If you cope and paste any text into the overview box - Copy then right-click into the overview box and ‘paste as plain text'
If you pull in a cruise this way from Widgety the cabins will not show, so we advise you to create a cruise quote.
Why not follow each step in our handy video guide, you can access it by clicking here:
For further information, please contact our training manager, Kerrie O'Sullivan.