One Quote Per Enquiry – The pipeline calculation selects a single quote per enquiry based on the chosen method (Minimum, Maximum, or Mean).
Filtered by Status & Criteria – Only enquiries with a Live* status are considered, and filtering is applied based on the assigned agent and specified date range.
Summing for Dashboard Display – The chosen price from each enquiry is summed to produce the total pipeline value displayed on the dashboard.
*Live statuses for enquiries can be determined in platform settings
Enquiry | Quote | Total Price |
5001 | 1 | 800 |
5001 | 2 | 700 |
5002 | 3 | 1500 |
Enquiry | Max Pipeline Setting | Mean Pipeline Setting | Min Pipeline Setting |
5001 | 800 | 750 | 700 |
5002 | 1500 | 1500 | 1500 |
Pipeline Total | 2300 | 2250 | 2200 |