Dashboard Overview
The dashboard shows top level figures relating to enquiries, bookings and quotes. These figures are cached for 15 minutes.
Top Level Numbers
The dashboard figures are calculated based on the type of an enquiry status. Statuses can be managed under Business Tools > Platform Settings > Enquiries > Enquiry Statuses with the types New, Deleted, Archived, In Progress, Booked, Lost.
Live Statuses - All statuses with the type New or In Progress.
Excluded Statuses - All statuses with the type Archived or Deleted.
Total Enquiries
All enquiries where the status is not defined as an excluded status filtered by agent and dates if specified
Total Live Enquiries
All enquiries where the status is not an excluded status. and the status is a live status filtered by agent and dates if specified
Total Outstanding Tasks
Tasks not marked as completed filtered by date and agent if specified
Total Outstanding Tasks Today
Tasks not marked as completed due between 00:00 and 23:59 on the current day filtered by agent if specified.
Total Bookings
All enquiries with a booking where the enquiry status is not an excluded status filtered by agent and dates if specified.
Bookings Total Value
The sum of Booking Total Price for all enquiries with a booking where the enquiry status is not an excluded status filtered by agent and dates if specified.
Percentage figures based on Total Bookings / (Total Enquiries - Total Live Enquiries)
The pipeline value is derived from one quote per enquiry, specifically from quotes that have a status of Draft or Live.
Available Calculation Methods
The pipeline can be based on one of three values per enquiry, the default is Maximum:
Minimum – Uses the lowest-priced quote.
Maximum (default) – Uses the highest-priced quote.
Mean – Uses the average price across quotes.
How It Works
One Quote Per Enquiry – The pipeline calculation selects a single quote per enquiry based on the chosen method (Minimum, Maximum, or Mean).
Filtered by Status & Criteria – Only enquiries with a Live* status are considered, and filtering is applied based on the assigned agent and specified date range.
Summing for Dashboard Display – The chosen price from each enquiry is summed to produce the total pipeline value displayed on the dashboard.
*Live statuses for enquiries can be determined in platform settings
Enquiry | Quote | Total Price |
5001 | 1 | 800 |
5001 | 2 | 700 |
5002 | 3 | 1500 |
Enquiry | Max Pipeline Setting | Mean Pipeline Setting | Min Pipeline Setting |
5001 | 800 | 750 | 700 |
5002 | 1500 | 1500 | 1500 |
Pipeline Total | 2300 | 2250 | 2200 |