Create and manage your own hotel content via > Business tools > hotel manager
The agent can add the hotels to the quote by using the provider ‘Our Hotels’
Click on ‘NEW HOTEL’
You will see a selection of tabs at the top
NAME - Enter the name of the hotel.
EXTERNAL ID - If you have an external ID enter it here or leave blank.
ACCOMMODATION TYPE - Select the accommodation type from the drop-down list.
OVERVIEW -Enter the description/content of the hotel in the overview.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - You can add additional information for internal use only.
DESTINATION -Start typing in the destination of the hotel by using the drop-down option.
LATITUDE (N/S) - Enter Latitude if known
LONGITUDE (W/E) - Enter Longitude if know
Once all details are entered make sure you click the save button before continuing and reselect the hotel on the right-hand side.
You can add room types so when the agent adds the hotel in the quotes they will automatically be in the room type option or leave blank and the agent can free type.
Board Basis
This rule is the same as the room types
You can drop or upload hotel images.For best results create images 1000px wide by 625px high
You can embed a video. If using Youtube links please ensure you use the embedded URL. Videos supported include Youtube, Vimeo and .mp3 and .mp4 videos.
Youtube videos are a great way to enhance your quote and Tprofile makes it simple to add these.
Find the video you want to use on Youtube and click the ‘share’ button
Copy the link
Paste the link (CTRL + V) where it says ‘URL of video’
Click ‘save’
A list of the hotel will drop to the right-hand side.
For further information please contact our Training Manager Kerrie O’Sullivan