Release Notes TProfile 24.5

Release Notes TProfile 24.5

The notes below provide a summary of the changes included in our Release 24.5. If you require any clarification be that for technical or training purposes please contact Kerrie (kerrie@tprofile.co.uk) to assist and arrange a call if required.

New Features & Functionality

Platform Area


New Features & Functionality

Platform Area


Hotel Image Picker

Quotes/Booking Documentation

To help refine the content you are sending to your customers we’ve introduced the ability to re-order the images you want to show against the hotels that are being sent in your quotes. With a drag and drop feature on each accommodation itinerary component you’re now able to select the image you’d prefer to show from the gallery. You can now also do this on your Booking Documentation (if subscribed). Default images of double beds you can’t change are no more….



301 Re-direct feature added to the Platform Settings

Platform Settings

In order to increase your ability to self serve as a TProfile hosted Website Customer we have moved the 301 re-direct logic from our Tenant Settings into the Platform Settings. This new feature, found under ‘Site Management’, will allow you to add, edit or delete 301 re-directs, removing the need for you to contact us via Support to action these.


Hotel Search


Following feedback around the hotel search we have improved the options available when matching a hotel. The change allows for better character matching of the hotel names and has an additional feature of wrapping speech marks around the hotel name you are entering which is detailed in the ‘top tip’.

Marketing Banners on Specific Sailings


To improve your ability to add Marketing banners to sailings in both Cruise Edits and Cruise Packages we’ve now fixed an issue that prevented individual banners being added for both desktop and mobile.

Addition of Supplier to an enquiry


In order to support the new Supplier Feature identified in the next row below, we have added a new multi-select box to new enquiries, enabling you to add one or more suppliers to your enquiries.

When added, the suppliers will also appear in the enquiry detail from within the Enquiry Manager.

In order to utilise this feature you must have Suppliers created within the Business Tools > Suppliers, area of the platform.

Supplier Column and Filter on the Dashboard


Improving the level of information available on the Enquiry Dashboard is important in the platform. As we move towards making this a customisable experience, additional fields will be added as we progress. The first of those fields is ‘Supplier’. A new column for the Supplier in addition to being able to filter by Supplier has been introduced.

Where one or more Suppliers have been added to an enquiry this will now display on the Enquiry Dashboard and also has it’s own filter.

This is already available as a new field in the csv export as per Release Note 24.4.

Locking visibility of Enquiries to Agents


To ensure the integrity of enquiries and quotes we have introduced a feature to lock visibility of enquiries between Agents, to prevent users from seeing one another's enquiries and quotes. An Admin Role Profile retains the ability to see all enquiries and quotes and this has been set as a feature that we can enable/disable depending on your business needs. If this is something you would like enabling please raise a Support Ticket through your Jira portal.

Deletion of Quotes


In order to improve measures around permissions within the platform and to help you better manage who can delete quotes, a new feature has been rolled out preventing Agents from permanently deleting quotes. When an Agent deletes a quote this will now only change the status of the quote to ‘deleted’ instead of permanently deleting the quote from the platform. Admins have retained the ability to permanently delete quotes.

Defects Resolved



Defects Resolved



Duration passing to the Enquiry from the new enquiry form


A defect around the Duration passing to the Enquiry from the new enquiry form has now been fixed

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