Release Notes 20.4

Release Notes 20.4


TProfile 20.4

The notes below provide a summary of the components included in the above release. If you require any clarification be that for technical or training purposes please contact Kerrie (kerrie@tprofile.co.uk) to assist and arrange a call if required.
Release Date : 22.05.20

Attachments on emails

All mails sent to customers via the 'History' tab can now include attachments. Document types you can attach include .doc, .docx, .png, .jpg .pdf and a limit size per document of 2MB is enforced. You can attach up to 10 documents at a time.

This process starts within the 'History' tab where you can send emails.

You then choose whether to use a template or blank email.

For the purpose of this example I've chosen a blank email. Within the mail you will find the 'UPLOAD' button. This allows you to attache single or multiple files to the email which can then be sent to the customer. You can choose to attach existing documents that have uploaded against the enquiry under the documents tab and on previous emails or you can attach new documents by selecting the upload button.

To simplify this document process for agents we have added two features :-

  • Firstly a copy of the mail, with the attachment will be stored in the 'History'
  • Secondly, the attached file will automatically be saved to the document section of the enquiry.


Documents can now be uploaded to a customer enquiry and stored. This could be a document related to the quote, a voucher, insurance, or proof of information for example and ensures that all information related to the enquiry/booking can be stored within TProfile. These documents are then viewable to the agent and can be downloaded later if required. For TProfile customers using online customer portal, these documents can also be made visible to the customer within their online profile area. Thus providing a single place for customers to view and/or download all the documents related to their bookings be that pre, during or post travel.

To undertake this process, go to the 'Docs' tab within an enquiry.

You can then use the 'UPLOAD FILES' link to choose and upload files.

All uploaded files will be listed in this section and can be downloaded or deleted.

System Performance

We’ve been busy making adjustments to improve the page load and overall performance of both TProfile CRM and front end sites and the result has delivered a significant jump in performance ratings across all device types. Here is a technical summary :-

  • Refactored plugins to only reference those used in certain aspects of the site, public/portal/admin sections now have their own leaner versions.
  • Reordered resources as per Google Insights recommendations.
  • Added libraries to allow lazy loading of images. Components need to be updated to use this however, we currently have it running on the cruises search page on the results destination image but adding the functionality to the cruise detail, headers and footers will greatly improve the score.
  • Reduced third party images to a maximum width of 1080px
  • Added CDN functionality to our Azure storage account, any assets using the https://tprofileapp.blob.core.windows.net domain can now be accessed on https://cdn.tprofile.com
  • We have refactored the entire under pinning application structure to load only the components needed for that page. Previously we loaded the application components as one single file generated and cached from the server. We now build and save these to the CDN, file size went from 1mb to around 46kb. These individual files were then moved from server rendering to physical files and served from the CDN rather than the application, the difference between loading the individual page was increased 6x fold. They went from taking around 350ms compared to sub 50ms now.

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