Jira Tickets Process

Jira Tickets Process

Jira Tickets Process:

To ensure efficiency this guide is to help you get the best out of the Jira tickets process. To simplify we have outlined the best working practices to follow when submitting a ticket. If your business has multiple brands, please include either a link or highlight which brand the problem is on in the ticket. Having people internally who understand the system well and can help support others with how it works is ideal.

To speed up the support process, clear concise information is required.

Who should submit a Jira Ticket?

  • Management, Team leaders

  • Technical Lead

What makes a good Jira Ticket:

  • A full and detailed description of the problem.

  • Bullet points/list for easy communication.

  • Provide us with a description of what you are trying to do or what you did when you encountered an issue or error.

  • Please use the relevant drop-down menu to identify whether it is a bug or development.

  • Support: If you would like to know or understand something better, ask a support question.

  • Development: For any new functionality required, please provide a full specification. Charges and timescales will be advised before proceeding with any work.

  • Incident: This is if you cannot access TProfile or your TProfile-hosted website is down.

  • Bug: You have encountered an error with TProfile

  • Inform us about the prioritization of this issue. How many agents does it affect, and what impact is it having on your business?

    • Lowest - Trivial problem with little or no impact on progress.

    • Low - Minor problem or easily worked around.

    • Medium - Has the potential to affect progress.

    • High - Serious problem that could block progress.

    • Highest - The problem will block progress.

  • Do not forget to tell us any efforts that you have made to resolve the issue yourself.

  • If applicable tell us

    • Which browser you are using

    • The operating system you are working on {Windows, Mac}

  • Supporting information:

    • Attach relevant screenshots or screen recordings.

    • URL Links

  • Add a short title for the nature of the query, if you have more than one brand, please enter the name of the brand in the title

If you do not hear from us immediately, please be aware:

  • Jira tickets are dealt with in a timely manner in conjunction with our service-level agreements.

  • Do not create another ticket with the same issue as someone could have started working on your ticket.


Positive ticket example

  • What can we help you with? Select the correct Category.

  • Summary. Add a short title for the nature of the query, if you have more than one brand, please enter the name of the brand in the title.

  • Description. Add a full description of your requirements in the overview box (the more information the better) including screenshots, and URL links.

Negative ticket example

  • What can we help you with? Incorrect Category selected.

  • Summary. Long, bold title with urgency when it’s not urgent

  • Description. No summary or very little description

  • Screenshot: Not clear enough, please add multiple screenshots if required

  • Description. No or very little description. NO screengrab or URL



Top Tip

  • We have created a series of guides to help you navigate TProfile and our support functionality.

  • It is important you share this with your colleagues who have an account with TProfile

  • When you type an issue into the summary box within Jira a support article will automatically appear, this can help you solve your problem. (See example)


Now that you have a clearer understanding of Jira and how to make this work for you, we can support you further:

  • Please contact me if you require further information or a short 10-minute training session to go through the process.

  • Do you have the right staff members logging tickets within your user allocation?

  • Please email me on kerrie@tprofile.co.uk


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