Automation Manager

Automation Manager

Automation Manager 

The TProfile automation function is designed to allow TProfile customers the ability to set an automatic action within TProfile based on a specific use case or set of circumstances. Automation manager can be found within business tools on the admin menu. 




While there are numerous uses of our automation triggers, some examples of when automations could be useful would include: 

  • Email Signup 

  • Request Reviews 

  • Notify staff members of failed emails 

  • Automatically change the status of an enquiry 

  • Notify an agent when an quote has/has not been viewed 

  • Send chase emails to quoted customers (Next day, 7 days) 

Within the automations menu you will see a list of existing automations. The list contains their name, object (type) and description.  




To add an automation simply click add: 

You will see the following page with the following fields: 

You can see the automation is broken into two sections, criteria and actions. Criteria allows you to select under what conditions you want this automation to run and actions defines what action should be taken when these conditions are met. 

  1. Name – Give your automation a name 

  2. Type – Use the drop-down to select when you would like this automation to happen. Either on creation, on update or on deletion of whatever object you choose in the trigger object field (3). 

  3. The trigger object field selects what part of the TProfile data you want this trigger to relate to. (Enquiry, quote, booking, document etc). These objects all have specific fields which will pull through in the next section) 

  4. Criteria – This allows you to set the condition(s) under which you want this automation to happen. The group option allows you to create a specific audience should that be required (a set of customers or users) or just simply add your specific criteria using the criteria button. The criteria has three parts: 

The property field defines which piece of data you want to affect, the criteria field will define under what condition(s) you want the rule to run, and the value field will define any specific value that should cause this rule to run.  So let us imagine that you want to assign any enquiries with a budget over 10k to your best converting agent, the rule would appear as follows:

Click save to save your criteria, you may add as many as you wish. Then we can move on to define our actions (what we want to happen when these criteria are matched). 

  1. Description – Add an easy-to-understand description for your own reference 

  2. Actions – Here we can define what actions we want to happen when our conditions are met and even schedule them to happen regularly and in the future. 


  1. Description – Add a description of this action 

  2. Type – Select the type of action you would like to happen 

  3. Schedule Action – Schedule this action to happen after a certain amount of time. For example, you may wish to ask your customer for a review the day after they return home. 

So if we again use the example of assigning any enquiries over 10k to our best performing agent. The action would be to update the agent with Kerrie’s name: 

If we save this we can then click the create button and our automation now exists. You can add any number of automations, combinations, multiple actions, multiple criteria. We have designed this component to be as flexible as possible. 

Whilst we would encourage more technical users to feel free to experiment we also understand some of our customers may find this functionality intimidating. Please reach out with a support ticket with any specific use cases you may have that you are not sure how to implement and we will advise if this is possible and help you to get it sorted.  

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