How to edit Cruise Ships in ‘Cruise Manager’
How to use ships in ‘Cruise Manager’
How to get there: Dashboard ⮕Business Tools⮕ Cruise Manager
What do ships results enable you to do?
Edit individual cruise ships by introduction and Banner
Select the edit cruise Ship button
Click on edit ship, this will open a search box, enter the ships name
In this example, silver moon - This will open the edit box
On the website, this is what the cruise ship details look like without editing
Option One - change the banner - drag the required banner
Option Two - Edit the introduction
Edit text and this area you can input a video { please see recording }
At the bottom of the page, you will see SAVE DELETE VIEW
SAVE - This will add the cruise ship on the ships edits page where you can make any required amendments by clicking the edit button
DELETE - Will delete any alteration you have made and go back to the original look
VIEW - View the changes
Why not follow each step in our handy video guide, you can access it by Clicking Here
For further information please contact our Training Manager Kerrie O’Sullivan