TProfile - Website Banner Management

TProfile - Website Banner Management

Tprofile - Banner Management 

This guide is designed to provide instruction on how to insert or change banners within your page. Here is an example of the banner we will be changing:

Making changes to this and most of your pages within Tprofile is simply done via the admin section via a simple process of first uploading the banner itself and then editing the page code to include that banner.

Adding the banner to your image library:

  1. Log in to Tprofile via your admin login

  2. From the top menu select Business Tools > File Manager

  3. Select the folder “Banners” (If this folder doesn't exist create it via the create folder link first)

  4. Click Upload Files

  5. Upload your banner. (Banner images for use as above should be 1920x600px and optimised suitable for web use)

  6. This image is now ready to use within your website. In order to use it simply select the clipboard option from the required image and the link to your image will be copied to your clipboard for your to paste it

Changing the banners on your webpage:

  1. Log in to Tprofile via your admin login

  2. Select Business Tools > Website/Content Manager

  3. Select the page for the relevant website you wish to edit. So for your home page select Website > Public > Home


  1. Edit the code by selecting the View HTML option


  1. In the code the banners take the form of a list and as such each one is wrapped in a list tag <li>. Each banner is wrapped in a list tag and you can simple add, remove and edit the banners by editing and removing each of these tags. Here is an example:

  1. In order to change the banners image simply change the image link and replace it with the image uploaded earlier via the clipboard link.

  2. As you can see there are two lines of text on this banner. Feel free to change or remove them as required. To remove them simply remove the text and the tags that surround it.

  3. To add more banners simply copy the text above and duplicate it directly below (as follows). You can duplicate this as many times as you’d like for as many banners as you wish.

  1. If you want to add a link to your banner then this is achieved by simply wrapping a link around your image in the code using the following method:

Leave all other code in tact but just wrap the image part with the relevant code.

  1. When you’ve finished your changes click on the save changes button and your web page should now contain the banners required.

NOTE: Our styling is dynamic. As the size of your page changes across mobile and browser size your banner may change to fit the size of the page. A user cannot read text on small screens so the design will change to what is most appropriate.

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