How to Change 'My Profile' for TProfile Lite Clients
Users can update their details in the 'My Profile' section.
Here is how >
Log in to your TProfile account.
Navigate to the 'My Profile' section.
At the top of the dashboard, you will see a silhouette icon. Click on it to proceed.
Update your personal information as needed.
Save the changes.
Bio: Add a compelling description about yourself, highlighting your travel background and experience.
Profile Picture
Upload an image from your computer. This can be a photo of yourself, an avatar, or a brand logo.
Size approx 600px Square
Password Update
You have the option to change your current password and create a new one.
Please follow these steps to update your password:
Enter your current password in the "CURRENT PASSWORD" field.
Enter your desired new password in the "NEW PASSWORD" field.
Re-enter your new password in the "CONFIRM NEW PASSWORD" field.
Click on "UPDATE PASSWORD" to save your changes.
The information displayed on customer quotes includes all details under "MY PROFILE > About You" and your profile picture.
For further information, please contact our training manager, Kerrie O'Sullivan.