How to Change 'My Profile' for TProfile Lite Clients

How to Change 'My Profile' for TProfile Lite Clients

Users can update their details in the 'My Profile' section.

Here is how >

  • Log in to your TProfile account.

  • Navigate to the 'My Profile' section.

  • At the top of the dashboard, you will see a silhouette icon. Click on it to proceed.

  • Update your personal information as needed.

  • Save the changes.


Bio: Add a compelling description about yourself, highlighting your travel background and experience.

Profile Picture

  • Upload an image from your computer. This can be a photo of yourself, an avatar, or a brand logo.

  • Size approx 600px Square


Password Update

You have the option to change your current password and create a new one.

Please follow these steps to update your password:

  1. Enter your current password in the "CURRENT PASSWORD" field.

  2. Enter your desired new password in the "NEW PASSWORD" field.

  3. Re-enter your new password in the "CONFIRM NEW PASSWORD" field.

  4. Click on "UPDATE PASSWORD" to save your changes.


  • The information displayed on customer quotes includes all details under "MY PROFILE > About You" and your profile picture.


For further information, please contact our training manager, Kerrie O'Sullivan.

Email: kerrie@tprofile.co.uk